Revamped God Designs in Hades 2

Exploring the updated appearances of familiar God and Goddess characters in Hades 2 and how they reflect the evolving narrative.
Revamped God Designs in Hades 2


  • Significant time has passed in Hades 2, leading to character growth and design updates for major Olympian Gods.
  • Notable design changes are observed in characters like Aphrodite, Artemis, Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hypnos, and Skelly.
  • The redesigned character appearances align with the storyline progression and their roles in shaping Hades 2's unfolding plot.

The universe of Hades 2 has seen substantial developments since the original game, with characters like Melinoe maturing and the Olympian Gods receiving design makeovers to reflect these changes. The narrative now involves Chronos taking control of the House of Hades and the Greek Pantheon's struggles against this new threat.

To signify the passage of time in Hades 2, Supergiant Games has meticulously revamped the designs of returning characters, particularly the Gods of Olympus. Let's delve into the transformed appearances of these familiar characters (while also acknowledging the impressive new additions) featured in the recent Technical Playtest.

7 Aphrodite

Goddess of Love

Aphrodite, known for her minimal attire, surprisingly receives a notable redesign in Hades 2. The alterations from her original appearance include:

  • Enhanced hair styling with more pronounced features and additional ornaments.
  • Introduction of combat-ready accessories like a spear and shield, showcasing her readiness for battle.
  • Adorning Ares' war paint and lipstick, indicating a closer relationship with her spouse.
  • Increased jewelry and new accessories, such as bracelets and a collar.
  • Hint of leggings or leg armor visible, adding a new dimension to her character.

Aphrodite's revamped look exudes confidence and readiness for combat, symbolizing her evolved persona in the game.

6 Artemis

Goddess of the Hunt

Artemis, a prominent figure in Hades 2, receives increased focus in the game compared to its predecessor. Noteworthy changes in her design include:

  • Sporting double braids and more intricate moon symbolism in her attire.
  • Addition of new patterns and colors signifying allegiance to a cause.
  • Transition from a bow to a staff as her weapon of choice.
  • Refinement in clothing structure with a two-part outfit and detailed accessories.
  • Evolution of her fur collar into a full fur cloak, enhancing her regal appearance.

These subtle yet impactful alterations in Artemis' design portray a heightened sense of confidence and prowess.

5 Zeus

God of Lightning & King of the Olympians

Zeus, a complex character in Greek mythology, undergoes subtle yet impactful design tweaks in Hades 2. Changes in his appearance include:

  • Cleaner, more groomed look with refined facial features and attire.
  • Shift towards a more somber expression and attire, reflecting ongoing conflicts in the narrative.
  • Adoption of a full golden chest plate and robes, deviating from his previous shirtless portrayal.
  • Transformation of his hair and beard into a stormy white cloud, symbolizing power and authority.
  • Addition of a new headband to complement his lightning-bolt crown.

While Zeus' design adjustments are subtle, they convey a sense of progression and activity in his character's journey.

4 Poseidon

God of the Sea

Poseidon's design in Hades 2 showcases enhancements across various elements, emphasizing a more refined look. Changes in his appearance include:

  • Elaborate redesign of his trident, incorporating intricate details and colors.
  • Addition of ornate patterns and green frills to his shawl and waistcloth.
  • Streamlined yet regal attire, enhancing his commanding presence.
  • Intricate designs on his hip and leg coverings, enriching his visual appeal.

Poseidon's revamped appearance exudes a sense of joy, intricacy, and coherence, enhancing his visual impact in Hades 2.

3 Demeter

Goddess of the Seasons

Demeter undergoes a significant transformation in her design from the original game to Hades 2, embodying a more assertive and combat-ready appearance. Key alterations in her design include:

  • Adoption of an updo hairstyle and a new crown, signaling a shift towards a more battle-ready persona.
  • Transition from an elegant queen-like attire to functional body armor, reflecting her readiness for conflict.
  • Evolution of her snow-themed elements into a more practical and combat-oriented look.
  • Introduction of a sickle as a weapon, emphasizing her readiness for battle.

Demeter's redesigned appearance in Hades 2 amplifies her formidable and determined character, aligning with the evolving storyline of the game.

2 Hypnos

God of Sleep AKA Sleep Incarnate

Hypnos, depicted as in perpetual slumber in Hades 2, undergoes subtle yet symbolic design alterations, hinting at the passage of time. Changes in his appearance include:

  • Lengthened hair to symbolize an extended period of sleep.
  • Transformation of winged ornaments around his face, emphasizing his eternal rest.
  • Variation in colors and details of his sleep mask, reflecting nuanced changes in his character.
  • Inclusion of floral elements in his environment, possibly hinting at future narrative developments.

Hypnos' design adjustments in Hades 2 suggest impending narrative shifts related to his character, adding intrigue to his role in the game's unfolding story.

1 Bonus: Skelly And/Or Commander Schelemeus

From Training Dummy to Training Master

Skelly, now known as Schelemeus, undergoes a drastic transformation from his previous portrayal in Hades 2. Notable changes in his design include:

  • Introduction of a distinguished beard, enhancing his appearance.
  • Adoption of new attire, including a skirt, cape, and headband.
  • Inclusion of medals with symbolic patterns, reflecting his achievements and affiliations.
  • Dynamic hair styling, adding a sense of movement and grandeur to his look.
  • Utilization of a walking stick as a newfound accessory.

Skelly's evolution from a Training Dummy to Training Master showcases a significant reinvention of his character, signaling a fresh chapter in his journey within the game.