Unveiling Ash Resources in Hades 2

Exploring the myriad new resources in Hades 2, with a focus on Ash as a prominent example. Let's delve into this new material extensively.
Unveiling Ash Resources in Hades 2


  • Ash in Hades 2 serves as a key resource for unlocking Arcana Cards and crafting various items.
  • Multiple uses of Ash include unlocking Incantations and serving as an essential ingredient in crafting recipes.
  • Aside from room rewards, there are several alternative methods to acquire Ash in Hades 2.

Let's face it, Hades 2 is quite a dark game. The storyline revolves around the son of the God of the Underworld attempting to escape the Greek equivalent of 'Hell', battling creatures, legendary warriors, and navigating familial conflicts.

Hades 2 intensifies the macabre essence, evident even in its Early Access phase, as the protagonist, Melinoe, must leverage every resource and Shade available to inch closer to Chronos. Amidst the myriad resources in Hades 2, Ash stands out as a crucial element. Yes, it's the Ashes of the deceased, and here's how to acquire it and maximize its utility.

Understanding Ashes' Role

Unveiling the New Resource

In Hades 2, Ashes are akin to Darkness from the previous game. Instead of enhancing Zagreus with Darkness at the Mirror of Night, Melinoe employs Ash at the Altar of Ashes to unlock new Arcana Cards. The quantity of Ash required per card varies based on the card's effects, with many cards demanding additional materials besides Ash for unlocking.

Ash finds multiple applications, being utilized in various Incantations and crafting recipes. As a witch of the Crossroads trained by Hecate herself, Melinoe incorporates diverse ingredients into her spells. At our current game progress, numerous crafting recipes unexpectedly necessitate Ash, underscoring the importance of maintaining a stockpile of this resource.

Acquiring Ashes

Diverse Means of Procurement

Primarily, Ashes are obtained as rewards in rooms within Hades 2. Progressing through Erebus, Oceanus, the Mourning Fields, and eventually Tartarus previews the rewards available in each room before entry.

In Erebus, the room options are typically limited, although future Realms may offer more choices. Opting for Ash as a reward often means forgoing other rewards or ingredients. Besides room rewards, several alternative methods exist to secure Ash:

Indeed, there are numerous avenues to amass Ash in Hades 2 beyond the standard room reward mechanism. With dedication, accumulating a substantial stash of Ash becomes feasible, enabling the acquisition of various items with minimal time and effort.