GTA Online Fans Call for Cutscene Skip Feature in The Contract Missions

Players of GTA Online appreciate The Contract DLC but wish they could skip cutscenes in its story missions.
GTA Online Fans Call for Cutscene Skip Feature in The Contract Missions


  • Gamers express frustration over the inability to skip cutscenes in The Contract missions, impacting replay value.
  • Featuring Dr. Dre, The Contract update brought real-world celebrity appeal to the game, yet the absence of a skip option disappoints some fans.
  • Initial positive reception aside, the lack of cutscene skipping in The Contract may discourage players from replaying missions.

Grand Theft Auto Online's The Contract missions have garnered popularity for various reasons, but some players are dissatisfied with the disabled cutscene skip function. Fans are now sharing their discontent years after the release of the GTA Online DLC.

The Contract update for GTA Online was launched towards the end of 2021, unveiling a series of missions that brought back GTA 5 protagonist Franklin into the storyline. The highlight, however, was the inclusion of real-world rap icon Dr. Dre, who not only lent his voice and likeness but also introduced new music to the game. While The Contract initially resonated well with players, the excitement has waned during replays over the years.

A Reddit user and Grand Theft Auto Online enthusiast, JayStorm8108, voiced the need for cutscene skipping in The Contract on the GTA Online subreddit, finding support from numerous players. The ability to skip cutscenes is crucial for players engaged in replaying missions and heists to earn GTA$ and exclusive rewards. Unfortunately, this feature is conspicuously absent in The Contract, compelling players to endure cutscenes repeatedly.

Reasons Behind Unskippable Cutscenes in GTA Online The Contract

While some players commiserated with the original poster about the inconvenience of rewatching cutscenes, others speculated on the possible exclusivity surrounding Dr. Dre's involvement. The Contract showcased new tracks by the artist, suggesting significant investment from Rockstar Games. Whether this design choice was mutual or influenced by certain game aspects remains ambiguous, but it appears deliberate. Fans also theorized that cutscene restrictions aim to slow down players' GTA$ accumulation from replaying the story.

Upon The Contract's release, many players embraced the cutscenes, reveling in the new GTA Online content that was long-awaited. Interacting with the celebrity in-game and listening to exclusive tracks held substantial appeal for Dr. Dre fans. However, as time has passed since the DLC's debut over two years ago, the inability to skip cutscenes has likely diminished the mission's replay value for some. While The Contract offers diverse activities beyond the core story, players advocate for the belated introduction of a skip function.

Although GTA Online theoretically retains the option to incorporate this feature for those who have completed the missions, prospects seem bleak. Despite ongoing updates to GTA Online, the structure of The Contract missions might remain unaltered indefinitely. Players may need to select alternative missions or patiently endure the cutscenes while awaiting any potential changes.