Grounded Tips: Mastering Lilypad Wax

Learn how to efficiently gather Lilypad Wax, a key crafting material in Grounded.
Grounded Tips: Mastering Lilypad Wax


  • Discover the best method to collect Lilypad Wax in Grounded
  • Understand the importance of Lilypad Wax in crafting essential items
  • Explore the diverse range of items that can be crafted using Lilypad Wax

Grounded players know that navigating the Koi Pond can lead to valuable discoveries, with Lilypad Wax standing out as a crucial resource for crafting. This green, cube-like substance unlocks numerous crafting recipes within the game, making it highly sought after by players looking to enhance their in-game experience. Although the depths of the Koi Pond present challenges, obtaining Lilypad Wax is relatively straightforward once you grasp where to search.

Crafting underwater items becomes more accessible with Lilypad Wax, enabling players to delve into the mysteries of the Koi Pond and its hidden Pond Lab.

Obtaining Lilypad Wax in Grounded

A simple and effective method to acquire Lilypad Wax in Grounded is by exploring underneath the Lilypads in the Koi Pond vicinity near the Great Oak Tree, depicted on the map above. Lilypad Wax appears as medium-sized nodules that detach from the Lilypad flowers. These nodules are found on the underside of variously sized Lilypads in small circular forms. Whether in clusters or singular nodes, a thorough search beneath the Lilypad leaves is key to amassing considerable Lilypad Wax. Harvesting requires no special tools; swimming close and pressing the collection button will retrieve the wax piece by piece.

Stay vigilant for Grounded's Diving Bell spiders while gathering Lilypad Wax, as these creatures often lurk nearby. Equipping a Gill Tube or similar breathing apparatus enables extended underwater exploration. Alternatively, periodic returns to the surface for air or utilizing underwater plant bubbles for oxygen replenishment are viable strategies.

Utilizing Lilypad Wax in Grounded

Upon analysis at a Research Station, Lilypad Wax emerges as a Tier 1 resource pivotal for crafting diverse items in Grounded, including:

  • Fin Flops
  • Fluid Flippers, a refreshing smoothie option
  • Gill Tube
  • Green Machine
  • Koi Scale Chestplate
  • Koi Scale Helmet
  • Koi Scale Greaves
  • Pebblet Dagger
  • Slime Lantern

Crafting these items often involves combining Lilypad Wax with other resources; for instance, crafting a Gill Tube necessitates one Lilypad Wax piece and two Eelgrass Strands.