Grounded: Top Base Building Materials Ranked

Exploring the best base-building materials in Grounded for a secure and cozy home.
Grounded: Top Base Building Materials Ranked


  • Discover the most effective base materials for protection and coziness.
  • Learn how to acquire and use each material to enhance your base-building experience.
  • Find out which material suits your playstyle and base-building needs in Grounded.

Base building lies at the heart of the Grounded gaming experience. Players have the freedom to construct walls, floors, and roofs to shape their dwellings. In the vast world of Grounded, various materials and resources are available for creating a home. Some materials focus on fortifying walls, while others prioritize the cozy ambiance of a house.

Regardless of a player's priorities, the list of base materials below offers options to accomplish their building goals. Each material is examined in terms of why players might select it for their base, how to obtain it, and the level of difficulty in acquiring it.

6 Grass Plank

Easily Accessible Material

  • Source: Grass
  • Tier: 1

Grass Planks stand out as the most readily available base-building material in the game. By simply using an axe to cut down grass, players can acquire this material. While it may not match up to advanced options, it proves quite useful in the early game stages.

Primarily used for constructing grass-based elements like walls and floors, Grass Planks offer 300 health and 5 coziness. While sufficient for the initial days, they may not provide ample protection against formidable foes.

5 Weed Stem

Versatile Material for Creative Designs

  • Source: Bur Weed, Dandelion, and Husky Weed
  • Tier: 1

Weed Stem serves as a versatile material when combined with other base-building components. Pairing it with items like Crude Rope and Clover Leaves allows for the creation of unique structures. For instance, a combination with Crude Rope produces a Stem Floor with 500 health.

Due to its compatibility with various materials, players should always keep some Weed Stem handy. Fortunately, sources like Bur and Husky Weed regenerate every 2-3 in-game days, ensuring a steady supply.

4 Crow Feather Piece

Uncommon Material for Distinct Roofs

  • Source: Buried Treasure and Crow Feather's
  • Tier: 2

Exclusively used in roofing recipes, Crow Feather Piece is a valuable albeit rare material. When combined with Weed Stem, it produces sturdy roofs boasting 500 health and 10 coziness. Moreover, its unique dark aesthetics can lend bases an eerie vibe unmatched by other materials.

Acquiring Crow Feather Piece may prove slightly challenging compared to other options. Players should keep watch for local Crows flying overhead, as their nesting spots and flight paths often yield feathers for collection.

3 Spiky Bur

Enhance Coziness with Unique Flooring

  • Source: Bur Weed
  • Tier: 3

Spiky Bur serves dual purposes, allowing players to create pinecone-like bases when combined with Pinecone Pieces, or to craft floors with high health and coziness alongside Lint Rope.

Particularly beneficial for boosting coziness levels, this material offers advantages such as increased healing rates and slower hunger/thirst progression. Seek out Bur Weed in arid map regions to access this resource.

2 Mushroom Brick

Balanced Option for Health and Comfort

  • Source: Mushroom Slurries
  • Tier: 2

Mushroom Brick provides a middle ground, offering both high health and coziness ratings. Structures incorporating Mushroom Bricks boast a coziness level of 10 and up to 800 health. This material allows players to enjoy the benefits of both aspects without compromising.

While advantageous, creating Mushroom Bricks can be time-consuming. Players must first locate and cultivate wild mushrooms, then crush them using a grinder to obtain 2 mushroom slurries. Smelt these slurries in an oven to produce the bricks.

1 Ash Cement

Optimal Protection with Superior Material

  • Source: Charcoal Ash, Clay and Rust
  • Tier: 3

Ash Cement reigns supreme as the top choice for base-building in Grounded. Primarily used for walls, Ash Cement offers exceptional protection with up to 1000 health and 15 coziness. This material ensures players remain safe from even the most formidable adversaries while enjoying the comforts of a cozy abode.

Acquiring Ash Cement proves challenging, with Clay sourced from rocks near water bodies, Rust harvested from metal surfaces, and Charcoal Ash obtained by grinding coal chunks. Combine these ingredients in an oven to obtain the finest material available in Grounded.