Incorporating De Sardet from GreedFall into GreedFall 2

Exploring the potential inclusion of De Sardet in GreedFall 2 and how a Mass Effect trick could ensure continuity and player immersion.
Incorporating De Sardet from GreedFall into GreedFall 2


  • Maintaining De Sardet's custom appearance in GreedFall 2 can enhance player engagement and consistency.
  • Drawing inspiration from Mass Effect's save data reading can help keep De Sardet's character true to player customization.
  • The prequel nature of GreedFall 2 and De Sardet's origin provide a compelling rationale for a cameo appearance in the sequel.

Spiders' GreedFall 2: The Dying World is on the horizon, promising a deeper RPG experience as players navigate a new storyline set three years before the first game. With enhanced gameplay features and narrative choices, GreedFall 2 introduces players to a fresh setting and characters in the world of Gacane.

The community's eagerness to see De Sardet, the protagonist of GreedFall, appear in the sequel has sparked discussions. However, integrating a customizable character like De Sardet poses a challenge for continuity. Yet, a solution inspired by BioWare's Mass Effect series could offer a seamless transition.

Solving the De Sardet Conundrum in GreedFall 2

BioWare's approach of allowing players to maintain a consistent appearance for Commander Shepard across the Mass Effect trilogy through save data transfer illustrates a smart way to ensure character continuity. Implementing a similar feature in GreedFall 2 could address the issue of De Sardet's customized look from the first game.

Ensuring De Sardet's Return Fits Seamlessly

If De Sardet were to cameo in GreedFall 2, aligning with the customized version from GreedFall becomes crucial to prevent player confusion and immersion disruptions. By reading the player's previous save data, GreedFall 2 could mirror the original appearance of De Sardet, preserving the player's connection to the character.

Rationale Behind De Sardet's Inclusion

Considering the chronological setting of GreedFall 2 and De Sardet's origins in Gacane, featuring the character in the sequel would not only make narrative sense but also cater to fans' expectations. Omitting De Sardet from GreedFall 2 could leave a void in the storyline, making a cameo appearance a fitting tribute to the beloved character.