Healing Bone Fractures in Gray Zone Warfare

Dealing with Bone Fractures during Gray Zone Warfare may seem daunting, but fret not, we've got you covered with all the essential know-how.
Healing Bone Fractures in Gray Zone Warfare


  • Using Splints is the key to mending bone fractures in Gray Zone Warfare.
  • Players can heal multiple fractures simultaneously with the right approach.
  • A cost-effective solution for treating bone fractures in the game ensures player survival.

Dealing with status effects and ailments post-injury may pose challenges in Gray Zone Warfare, adding a touch of realism that demands cautious gameplay. While curing Nausea and Dizziness is straightforward with rest or hydration, treating bone fractures requires a bit more finesse.

Suffering a broken arm impacts aim precision, while a fractured leg slows movement speed significantly. In some unfortunate instances, multiple severe injuries can occur concurrently. Fortunately, mending bone fractures in Gray Zone Warfare remains a relatively simple process, and we're here to guide you through it.

How to Mend Bone Fractures in Gray Zone Warfare

When faced with bone fractures during Gray Zone Warfare, utilizing a Splint is crucial. Access your inventory, right-click on the Splint, and choose 'Use.' Your character will then apply the Splint to heal the fracture, albeit over a considerable duration, necessitating a safe spot away from enemy fire.

Multiple fractures are not uncommon in the game, with each requiring a separate Splint charge. Red highlights in your character menu indicate broken bones. For instance, a high fall may result in dual leg fractures, or sustaining multiple hand injuries from bullets may cause two broken hands. The healing process prioritizes random bone repair, emphasizing the importance of carrying multiple Splints at all times.

The initial Splint provided to players upon game purchase boasts five charges, ample for addressing up to five fractures. Additionally, two to three similar consumables are typically available in your inventory. Should you require more, Civilian-Quality Splints can be purchased for $8 from Lab Rat. Completing Lab Rat quests unlocks more potent Splint variations.

Remarkably affordable Splints make access to this resource convenient, alleviating the fear of bone fractures. To conserve Splint charges, players can opt to call for a Helicopter, safely return to base, select 'Safely End Deployment,' and re-enter the game to automatically heal all ailments without additional medical intervention.