Mastering Scylla's Ability in Genshin Impact for Vishap Corps Achievement

Learn how to effectively utilize Scylla's ability to navigate the Sea of Bygone Eras with ease.
Mastering Scylla's Ability in Genshin Impact for Vishap Corps Achievement


  • Unveiling Scylla's Role in Genshin Impact Lore
  • Unlocking and Utilizing Scylla's Ability
  • Achieving Vishap Corps Scylla Achievement

Exploring the vast world of Genshin Impact reveals intricately woven lore, providing players with layers of storytelling. Upon entering the Sea of Bygone Eras region, adventurers encounter Scylla, a Dragonborn Prince referenced in various items like the Song of Stillness weapon and Golden Troupe artifacts. Delving into Remuria and the Faded Castle exposes the aftermath of battles and the unexpected truth behind historical accounts.

Surprisingly, players forge an alliance with the once-labeled 'traitor,' Scylla, who aids Travelers by facilitating underwater exploration with his unique ability. To understand how to maximize Scylla's prowess in Genshin Impact, follow the guide below.

Mastering Scylla's Ability in Genshin Impact

To harness Scylla's ability in Genshin Impact, players must swim to the prince and request him to summon a current.

Scylla's potential unlocks upon freeing him during the main Petrichor quest. His companionship offers two main attributes: a current-summoning feature for swift underwater traversal and insightful musings on nearby objects. While lore enthusiasts may appreciate the latter, the former significantly aids exploration in the game.

Upon locating Scylla on the map, players can boost towards him by pressing the designated button (T on PC).

Close to Scylla, selecting Summon the current… triggers a menu for players to choose their destination for the boost. Launch by pressing the Normal Attack button, adjust the camera with E on PC, or abort using Space.

During the boost, sporadically press Space (on PC) as prompted to maintain movement. Opting out halts the journey. Colliding with objects prematurely ends the swim, so precision is key for uninterrupted traversal.

Initiating this ability awards players the Vishap Corps Scylla achievement, granting five Primogems in Genshin Impact's achievement tab.