Mastering Arlecchino in Genshin Impact: Tips and Strategies

Discover effective ways to optimize Arlecchino's gameplay and avoid common mistakes in Genshin Impact
Mastering Arlecchino in Genshin Impact: Tips and Strategies


  • Understanding Arlecchino's Bond of Life mechanic
  • Mastering her rotation for optimal performance
  • Prioritizing the right talents and stats for her build

Arlecchino, also known as the Father or the Knave, has been a key figure in the Fontaine arc of Genshin Impact's narrative, generating excitement among fans for her debut as a playable character. As a Pyro polearm character, she serves as a Main DPS capable of triggering Elemental Reactions like Vaporize or Overloaded, akin to Hu Tao. However, players will encounter distinct differences in playstyle due to the unique mechanics embedded in Arlecchino's kit.

While initially complex, mastering Arlecchino's mechanics becomes straightforward once players grasp the fundamental concepts and optimize her build and rotation for maximum DPS potential. Here are essential tips to effectively harness Arlecchino's prowess in Genshin Impact.

5 Understanding Arlecchino's Bond of Life Mechanic

The Bond of Life mechanic, previously exclusive to enemies like Fatui Operatives, acts as a debuff preventing healing until the character is over-healed or receives healing via a Statue of Seven. Interestingly, Arlecchino benefits from this mechanic, being able to self-apply Bond of Life through specific actions like Charged Attacks, Elemental Burst, or her signature weapon after using her Elemental Skill. Maintaining a certain Bond of Life threshold empowers Arlecchino's normal attacks, infusing them with Pyro.

Players should focus on preserving Bond of Life on Arlecchino rather than removing it, as she can solely be healed through her Elemental Burst. This grants players control over the Bond of Life percentage while it gradually depletes during normal attacks.

4 Mastering Arlecchino's Rotation

Maintaining an optimal Bond of Life level hinges on executing a precise rotation with Arlecchino. Initiating with her Elemental Skill followed by a Charged Attack to accumulate Bond of Life, then proceeding with a series of Normal Attacks (around 4-6 times) until her Elemental Burst is ready. After using the Elemental Burst, incorporating additional Normal Attacks and cycling back to her Elemental Skill maintains a consistent rotation pattern, ensuring Arlecchino retains Pyro infusion and the necessary Bond of Life percentage.

The number of normal attacks between rotations can vary based on factors like her constellations, the presence of her Elemental Burst, or her signature weapon providing extra Bond of Life Stacks.

3 Optimizing Talent Priority

Strategically selecting talents for Arlecchino plays a vital role in enhancing her performance while conserving resources. As a Normal attack-focused Main DPS, prioritizing her Normal Attack talent to level 9 or 10 before escalating her Elemental Skill or Burst beyond level 6 is crucial. Both her Elemental Skill and Burst share similar priority in leveling, as their damage scaling for AoE Pyro damage is not substantial, with Elemental Burst not contributing to her healing abilities.

Emphasizing Normal Attack > Elemental Skill = Elemental Burst when determining talent progression ensures optimal utilization of Arlecchino's abilities.

2 Strategic Stat Focus in Arlecchino's Build

Efficiently constructing Arlecchino's build significantly impacts her effectiveness in combat scenarios. Whether utilizing the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy artifact set or alternatives like Gladiator's Finale, prioritizing ATK and Crit stats (Crit DMG and Crit Rate) is paramount. While HP provides survivability, Arlecchino's DPS primarily scales with ATK, with her final passive ability granting additional Physical and Elemental Resistance based on higher ATK levels, up to 20%.

Maintaining Arlecchino's ATK around 3k through strategic approaches like utilizing buffers ensures optimal performance. Additionally, considering Elemental Mastery as a fourth substat proves beneficial, particularly in teams focused on Vaporize reactions.

1 Enhancing Arlecchino's Performance with Pyro Synergy

Creating synergistic team compositions is pivotal for maximizing gameplay efficiency and combat enjoyment. While Arlecchino boasts versatility in team composition, pairing her with at least one other Pyro character is highly recommended to capitalize on Pyro Resonance, augmenting ATK, a crucial stat for Arlecchino's performance.

Certain Pyro support characters like Bennett or Chevreuse can significantly boost Arlecchino's damage output, despite not directly enhancing her healing capabilities. Investing in these characters ensures Arlecchino operates at peak efficiency, delivering optimal results in battles.