Why Gears of War 6 Should Take Cues from Helldivers 2

Discover how Gears 6 could elevate its gameplay and community by adopting elements from Helldivers 2.
Why Gears of War 6 Should Take Cues from Helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 stands out in 2024 for its unique combat approach and humor.
  • The intense combat and limited ammo in Helldivers 2 create a chaotic yet enjoyable experience.
  • Gears of War 6 has the opportunity to enhance its gameplay by incorporating similar reloading mechanics and a lighter tone for multiplayer.

Helldivers 2 has taken 2024 by storm with its fresh gameplay. Unlike its predecessor, this co-op PVE shooter offers a new experience where players unite to battle Automatons and Terminids. The game's witty sci-fi vibe and visceral combat draw inspiration from Starship Troopers. Its humor contrasts sharply with the brutal combat, featuring weighty weapons and overwhelming enemy encounters.

The unforgiving combat style of Helldivers 2 mirrors the renowned Gears of War series. Known for its gritty combat and dark aesthetic, the original Xbox 360 release set a high standard. While subsequent Gears titles failed to match that excitement, fans eagerly anticipate news of Gears of War 6.

What Makes Helldivers 2 Stand Out

Helldivers 2 has gained popularity for its intense combat dynamics. Players face scarce ammo amidst swarms of enemies, emphasizing the need for strategic weapon management. Reloading in Helldivers 2 means sacrificing leftover ammo, adding a layer of tension to gameplay. The cumbersome weapons add to the chaos, creating a thrilling experience.

The game's chaotic yet light-hearted tone, akin to Starship Troopers, diffuses tension and fosters a fun group dynamic. While the combat could have steered towards darkness, the game's comedic approach sets it apart, resonating with a broader audience.

Lessons for Gears 6

Anticipation surrounds Gears of War 6, presenting an opportunity to learn from Helldivers 2's success. Incorporating a similar ammo management system could elevate the intensity of combat in Gears of War. Implementing a mechanic like Active Reloading to retain ammo could reward skilled gameplay. Introducing unwieldy weapons that demand precision could further enhance the game's combat.

A Lighter Tone for Gears 6 Multiplayer

While Gears 5 delved into dark storytelling, Gears 6 could infuse humor into its multiplayer modes, following Helldivers 2's example. Balancing gore with humor can create a welcoming community atmosphere and enrich the gaming experience. By drawing inspiration from Helldivers 2, Gears 6 has the potential to revamp its gameplay and strengthen its online community.