8 Games That Shocked Players with Unexpected Endings

While many games lead up to a climactic ending, some catch players off guard with sudden and surprising conclusions.
8 Games That Shocked Players with Unexpected Endings


  • Games with endings that left players in disbelief
  • Unexpected twists that changed the narrative
  • Surprising conclusions that linger in players' memories

Some games wrap up their stories neatly, while others throw curveballs at players with endings that defy expectations. These unexpected conclusions can range from hidden plot twists to unresolved cliffhangers, leaving gamers both shocked and intrigued. Let's dive into a list of games that took players by surprise with their abrupt and unforeseen endings.

8 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

The Real Ending Was Hidden Away in Extra Ops

In Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, the main storyline concludes satisfactorily, but the true ending is tucked away in the Extra Ops missions. Players uncover a hidden plot twist and an additional ending by diligently completing these extra tasks, providing a surprising and elusive conclusion that many may have missed.

7 Like A Dragon: Ishin!

The Real Villain Turns Up At the Last Second

Unexpectedly, Like A Dragon: Ishin! introduces a hidden antagonist in the final moments, altering the perceived resolution and injecting a last-minute twist. This revelation adds a new layer to the story, catching players off guard with its sudden and unanticipated turn of events.

6 God of War 2

The Ending is a Commercial for the Sequel

God of War 2 concludes with a cliffhanger that serves as a setup for the next installment, leaving players hanging with unresolved plot points and a sense of anticipation for the sequel. This unexpected ending acts as a teaser for the continuation of the story, paving the way for future gameplay experiences.