Longest Gaps Between Video Game Sequels That Left Fans Astonished

Releasing sequels too far apart can lead to surprising comebacks or disappointing flops for game franchises.
Longest Gaps Between Video Game Sequels That Left Fans Astonished


  • Video game series with exceptionally long intervals between sequels often surprise and intrigue fans upon the release of a new installment.
  • The return of dormant game series after extended periods can either rejuvenate the franchise with a fresh take or fail to live up to expectations.
  • To prevent stagnation, game developers frequently introduce new IPs alongside sequels to maintain excitement and diversity for players.

Video game enthusiasts have varied preferences. While some crave a continuous stream of sequels to their favorite titles, an excessive focus on sequels can lead to monotony. This necessitates the introduction of new IPs to inject novelty into the gaming landscape, although it poses a gamble for developers. Despite a series vanishing for several years, it may resurface, surprising fans with a long-awaited sequel.

Updated on January 16, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: The video game industry is full of captivating narratives, from unexpected resurgences to remarkable adaptations, consistently enthralling gaming enthusiasts. Dormant game series can still make a comeback with a great entry that captures the essence of the original while incorporating refreshing innovations, a phenomenon witnessed time and again.

13 Fallout 2 & Fallout 3

10 Years

Following Fallout 2's release, the fervor for CRPGs waned, leading many to believe that the post-apocalyptic series would remain dormant. However, Bethesda dispelled this notion by acquiring the Fallout IP.

This paved the way for Fallout 3, a remarkable game that propelled the series to unprecedented mainstream popularity, solidifying Bethesda's commitment to the franchise.

12 Marvel Vs Capcom 2 & 3

11 Years

The release of Marvel vs Capcom 2 in 2000 was followed by a lengthy hiatus until the arrival of Marvel vs Capcom 3 in 2011, reigniting the fervor of ardent fans. Despite intermittent crossover games, the allure of the main series remained unparalleled.

11 Earthbound & Mother 3

12 Years

The gap between Mother 2 and its sequel, Mother 3, spanned twelve years, a testament to the enduring patience of fans eagerly anticipating the next installment. Despite facing multiple setbacks, the release of Mother 3 in 2006 for the Game Boy Advance finally quenched the long-standing thirst for a continuation.