Top Picks: Must-Try Warhammer 40K Mods for Gamers

Explore these exciting mods from the Warhammer 40K universe to enhance your gaming experience beyond the franchise itself.
Top Picks: Must-Try Warhammer 40K Mods for Gamers


  • Discover a variety of innovative Warhammer 40K mods across different game genres.
  • Men Of War: Assault Squad 2 and XCOM 2 showcase the creativity of modders in expanding game worlds.
  • From Stellaris to Ravenfield, the influence of Warhammer 40K in gaming continues to grow.

Warhammer 40K has left an indelible mark on the gaming world. While initially rooted in war and board games, the franchise has seamlessly transitioned into the realm of video games, captivating a diverse audience. Modders have taken this fervor a step further by integrating Orks and Space Marines into various non-franchise games, offering fans a fresh gaming experience.

Contrary to popular belief that mods fill existing voids, the continuous influx of Warhammer 40K mods suggests a sheer passion for game creation. This abundance provides players with a plethora of options to explore and immerse themselves in the Warhammer 40K universe.

1 Men Of War: Assault Squad 2

Experience ASV UMW 40K Mod

  • Mod Author: Multiple Contributors
  • Mod Link: Steam Workshop

Men of War: Assault Squad 2, although not a mainstream title, has garnered attention from modders, with the ASV UMW 40k mod standing out. Despite its modest popularity, the mod has breathed new life into the game since its 2018 release, attracting a dedicated player base.

2 Stellaris

Engage with Warhammer 35M Mod

  • Mod Author: Kamip123
  • Mod Link: Steam Workshop

Stellaris, a prominent space strategy game, has attracted Warhammer 40K enthusiasts with mods like Warhammer 35M, offering a fresh take on the game's dynamics and aesthetics.

3 OpenXcom

Explore the Rosigma Mod

  • Mod Author: Buscher and Leflair
  • Mod Link: OpenXcom Forums –

OpenXcom, a revamped version of the original XCOM game, hosts the impressive Rosigma mod, delving deep into the Warhammer 40K universe with a rich array of factions and sub-factions.