7 Games That Betrayed Player Expectations

From misleading marketing to unexpected character deaths, these games left players feeling deceived.
7 Games That Betrayed Player Expectations


  • Video game marketing can create false expectations, causing frustration among players.
  • Games like The Last of Us Part 2 shocked players with character deaths and narrative shifts, dividing the gaming community.
  • Misleading trailers for games like Killzone 2 on the PS3 harmed the console's reputation by setting unrealistic visual standards.

When players purchase a video game, they anticipate an enjoyable experience. However, their expectations can be influenced by marketing materials, such as trailers and box art, which may not always accurately represent the final product.

Below are seven games that subverted players' expectations in various ways, leading to feelings of disappointment or betrayal. While some of these games were still well-received, others faced significant backlash.

7 Metal Gear Solid 2

The Surprising Protagonist Switch

Metal Gear Solid 2 is hailed as a classic, but it famously shocked fans upon its release in 2001. The game heavily featured Solid Snake in its promotional materials, only to unexpectedly shift the player's focus to Raiden for the majority of the gameplay. While this twist initially upset some fans, the game's quality eventually won them over.

6 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Playing Mind Games with Players

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for the Nintendo GameCube delved into psychological horror by tricking players into believing their game files were being corrupted. This manipulation of player expectations added a unique layer of immersion, causing genuine distress among gamers.

5 The Last Of Us Part 2

A Narrative Departure

After a lengthy wait, The Last of Us Part 2 surprised players by deviating from their expectations. The game's early character deaths and perspective shifts challenged players' emotional investment, sparking debates within the gaming community.

4 Red Dead Redemption 2

A Tragic Conclusion

Red Dead Redemption 2 shocked players by delivering a heartbreaking end to its protagonist, Arthur Morgan. The game's extended epilogue further tested players' patience, offering a lengthy conclusion that diverged from traditional storytelling structures.

3 Aliens: Colonial Marines

False Advertising Debacle

Aliens: Colonial Marines faced backlash for its misleading marketing that showcased visuals far superior to the actual game. This disparity led to disappointment among players and even resulted in legal action against the developers for deceptive advertising.

2 Killzone 2

Unrealistic Visual Promises

Killzone 2 symbolized the exaggerated graphical expectations set by early PS3 trailers. While the final game was visually impressive, the initial promotional material misled consumers by showcasing visuals beyond the console's capabilities, tarnishing Sony's reputation.

1 Duke Nukem Forever

The Perils of Prolonged Development

The protracted development of Duke Nukem Forever resulted in a game that failed to live up to the hype. Despite years of production, the final product felt disjointed and lacked the polish expected from such an extended development cycle.