8 Exciting Games for Fans of Cowboy Bebop

Experience the essence of Cowboy Bebop in these thrilling video games!
8 Exciting Games for Fans of Cowboy Bebop


  • Explore cyberpunk worlds and engaging narratives
  • Immerse yourself in stylish combat and vibrant settings
  • Enjoy diverse gameplay mechanics inspired by the iconic anime

Step into the captivating universe of Cowboy Bebop with these remarkable video games that capture the essence of the beloved anime series. While the iconic show first aired in 1999, its spirit lives on in these modern gaming experiences that offer a mix of cyberpunk aesthetics, thrilling combat, and enthralling storytelling.

8 Cyberpunk 2077

Futuristic Adventures

Delve into the neon-lit streets of Cyberpunk 2077, where you'll encounter a world brimming with crime, tech, and customization options reminiscent of the Bebop crew's diverse skill sets. Engage in thrilling combat and immersive world-building similar to the anime's bounty-hunting escapades.

7 Disco Elysium

Intriguing Investigations

Embark on a narrative-rich journey in Disco Elysium, where you play as a detective solving a complex murder case in a dystopian world. Interact with a cast of quirky characters reminiscent of the Bebop crew, immersing yourself in a story filled with mystery and dark humor.

6 Grim Fandango

Musical Afterlife

Experience the enchanting soundtrack of Grim Fandango as you follow Manny's journey through the Land of the Dead. Uncover a tale filled with humor, heart, and conspiracy, echoing the blend of elements that made Cowboy Bebop a timeless classic.