10 Video Games That Turn Failure into Success

Discover how failing in some video games can lead to unexpected rewards and unique experiences.
10 Video Games That Turn Failure into Success


  • Some video games reward players for failing by offering unique outcomes or driving the story forward.
  • Failing in certain games can unlock powerful rewards like stronger weapons, playable characters, or narrative progress.
  • Embracing failure in gaming can lead to a more immersive and rewarding experience, challenging traditional notions of success.

Game Over. You Are Dead. Wasted… These phrases are common in gaming, but failing is an essential part of the experience. While many games punish failure, some take a different approach, offering rewards and surprises for falling short.

Contrary to popular belief, several games reward failure, providing players with ways to make progress easier, explore unique storylines, or enjoy unexpected outcomes.

10 Baldur’s Gate 3

Failing Dice Rolls Enhances Storytelling

In Baldur’s Gate 3, failed dice rolls can lead to unique story developments, offering players a more immersive and unpredictable gameplay experience.

Each failure can unlock different outcomes, impacting the narrative in unexpected ways and providing players with fresh storytelling perspectives.

9 Kingdom Hearts 2

Unlocking Playable Characters Through Failure

In Kingdom Hearts 2, failing in battle can lead to the opportunity to play as Mickey Mouse, offering a unique gameplay experience and a chance to turn failure into success.

Players who stumble at critical moments can unlock special gameplay features, adding an element of surprise and reward to their gaming journey.

8 Metal Gear Solid

Failure Unlocks Stealth Enhancements

In Metal Gear Solid, failing certain challenges can lead to valuable rewards like stealth upgrades, encouraging players to embrace failure as a pathway to success.

Choosing alternative paths through the game by failing certain missions can result in unique rewards that enhance the overall gameplay experience.

7 Dead Cells

Permanent Upgrades Through Retry

Dead Cells offers players permanent upgrades after each death, transforming failure into an opportunity to enhance future runs and explore new gameplay possibilities.

By strategically utilizing these upgrades, players can reshape their gaming experience with each failure, creating a fresh and dynamic gameplay loop.

6 Until Dawn

Unlocking Trophies Through Character Deaths

In Until Dawn, failing to keep characters alive can lead to unlocking special trophies, encouraging players to explore different story paths and embrace failure as part of the gameplay experience.

By allowing characters to meet their demise, players can uncover hidden achievements and narrative branches, adding depth to the overall story and gameplay progression.

5 Alundra

Strength Through Failure

Alundra rewards players for frequent deaths by unlocking powerful weapons, challenging gamers to persevere through failure and ultimately succeed in their quests.

By embracing repeated failures, players can access unique in-game rewards and experiences, enriching their gameplay journey and enhancing their overall skills.