5 Video Games That Challenge Traditional Hero Archetypes

Exploring games that redefine heroism through complex characters and unexpected twists.
5 Video Games That Challenge Traditional Hero Archetypes


  • Games now feature heroes with flaws, adding depth to character development.
  • Spec Ops: The Line provokes players to question heroism through tragic events.
  • Characters like Conker in adult platformer games display relatable imperfections.

Video games often portray players as flawless heroes fighting for noble causes. However, modern games have started to deviate from this trope, introducing complex characters that redefine heroism in captivating ways.

Developers with exceptional storytelling skills have crafted protagonists with intricate motivations, making them more realistic and relatable compared to traditional heroes.

5 Spec Ops: The Line

Captain Martin Walker's Moral Journey Through Hardships

Spec Ops: The Line stands out as a unique third-person shooter that challenges players to reflect on heroism. The game's protagonist, Captain Martin Walker, faces a tragic twist that forces players to reconsider the true essence of being a hero.

4 Undertale

Frisk/Chara's Accountability in RPG Combat

Undertale subverts typical RPG gameplay by holding players accountable for their actions, especially their choices to harm others. The game's narrative evolves based on the player's decisions, challenging the traditional hero's journey.

3 Conker's Bad Fur Day

Conker's Unconventional Heroism

Conker's Bad Fur Day disrupts the notion of a typical hero by portraying Conker, a character with flaws and questionable actions. Despite his imperfections, players are drawn to Conker's unconventional charm and relatability.

2 The Last Of Us

Joel Miller's Controversial Choices

The Last of Us presents Joel Miller as a deeply flawed protagonist whose decisions challenge traditional hero narratives. Despite his questionable actions, players empathize with Joel's complex motivations in a post-apocalyptic world.

1 Disco Elysium

Harrier Du Bois: A Flawed Detective

Disco Elysium redefines heroism through Harrier Du Bois, an alcoholic detective with a troubled past. The game's focus on narrative depth over combat showcases a different kind of hero, flawed yet brilliant in his own right.