5 Engaging Games Where Players Can Form Their Own Factions

Exploring titles that offer players the opportunity to establish their own groups or factions within the game world.
5 Engaging Games Where Players Can Form Their Own Factions


  • Galactic Civilizations 3 allows players to customize their civilizations in a faction-based strategy game.
  • In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, ambitious players can strive to create their own kingdom.
  • Crusader Kings 3 lets players design original rulers and custom dynasties using the Ruler Designer feature.

Video games with robust faction systems offer players the chance to create their own groups, adding a unique layer of engagement to the gaming experience. Instead of simply aligning with existing factions, players can establish their own, leaving a mark on the game world.

5 Galactic Civilizations 3

Customizing Civilizations in a Faction-Based Strategy Game

Galactic Civilizations 3, known for its tight systems and immersive mechanics, allows players to forge their own civilizations from scratch. While the game's mechanics may pose a learning curve, the depth it offers ensures a rewarding experience for those who delve into this underrated 4X strategy game.

4 Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Creating a Kingdom of Their Own

In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, players can progress from serving under leaders to aspiring to create their own kingdom. This ambitious endeavor requires strategic alliances and careful decision-making, adding depth to the gameplay.

3 Crusader Kings 3

Designing Original Rulers and Dynasties

Crusader Kings 3's Ruler Designer feature enables players to craft custom rulers and dynasties, injecting their unique narrative into the game's rich tapestry of politics and power struggles.

2 EVE Online

Establishing Player-Created Corporations

EVE Online presents a complex universe where players can create their own corporations, fostering growth and influence through strategic investments and collaborative efforts.

1 Stellaris

Designing Custom Empires for Intergalactic Dominance

Stellaris offers the opportunity to design custom empires, allowing players to shape their galactic aspirations and immerse themselves in a personalized sci-fi experience.