Iconic Healing Items in Video Games

Exploring the most memorable healing items that have shaped gaming experiences.
Iconic Healing Items in Video Games


  • Healing items in video games contribute to the game's atmosphere and enhance player immersion.
  • Iconic healing items like the E Tank from Mega Man and the Estus Flask from Dark Souls are integral to the player's journey.
  • From the renowned 'wall chicken' in Castlevania to the classic potions in Pokemon, healing items play a pivotal role in gaming.

Video games are known for their distinctive characters and iconic items that define their identity. Beyond mere gameplay elements, these items contribute significantly to the overall ambiance of the game, creating an immersive world for players to explore.

Among the arsenal of power-ups and weapons, healing items hold a special place in the realm of video games. A single healing item can encapsulate the essence of a game through its design, functionality, and acquisition. Let's delve into the realm of gaming and uncover some of the most iconic healing items that have left a lasting impact.

1 Legendary 'Wall Chicken'

Castlevania Series

The infamous 'wall chicken' meme originated from the inaugural release of Castlevania in 1986. While the game manual referred to it as a pork chop, the internet had already cemented its status as the mysterious wall meat, evolving into one of the oldest gaming memes.

Following Castlevania: Symphony of the Night in 1997, the 'wall chicken' transitioned from concealed wall placements to random ground drops. Nevertheless, the tradition of using a delectable meaty treat (whether a roast beef or New York steak) for healing purposes persisted throughout the franchise.

2 Energizing E Tank

Mega Man Series

Within the Mega Man universe, the E Tank stands out as the most renowned health item, providing complete recovery to players. The 'E' in E Tank symbolizes 'energy' and serves as the series' quintessential health restoration item.

Since its introduction in Mega Man 2 during the 1980s, E Tanks have become a staple across the series, leading to the incorporation of other tanks such as weapon tanks and mystery tanks. This particular healing item gained such prominence that it inspired an energy drink, offering gamers a taste of the vitality Mega Man experiences on his escapades.

3 Vital Estus Flask

Dark Souls Series

In the unforgiving universe of Dark Souls, the trusty estus flask offers a beacon of hope during dire situations. Apart from bonfire rests, the estus flask serves as a portable healing solution, vital during intense boss encounters or as a quick rejuvenation en route to new destinations.

Unlike kindled bonfires, estus flasks are consumable items that can be carried for instant healing at any juncture. Besides healing the user, a sip from the estus flask also benefits any co-op players present, making it a shared resource for duos.