The Toughest Video Game Endings to Achieve

Exploring the challenging paths to unlock the best endings in video games
The Toughest Video Game Endings to Achieve


  • Certain games present incredibly difficult challenges to unlock their best endings, testing players' skills and perseverance.
  • Completing Crash Bandicoot 100% poses a significant challenge, rewarding players with a proper ending that acknowledges their dedication.
  • Unlocking Valkyrie Profile's 'A' ending is a daunting task, nearly impossible without following a detailed guide, offering a true challenge for gamers.

In the world of video games, endings have evolved from simple conclusions to elusive achievements that players strive to unlock. Some games go the extra mile by offering multiple endings, with the 'best' one often being the most challenging to attain. These games set high bars for players, requiring them to navigate through complex obstacles to reach the ultimate conclusion.

10 Ghosts 'N Goblins

Overcoming Intense Challenges for a Proper Ending

Capcom's medieval platformer series, including titles like Ghosts 'n Goblins and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, is known for its punishing difficulty and hidden endings. To achieve the true resolution, players must not only complete the game twice but also use specific tactics during the final battle.

The journey becomes even more grueling when players realize they have to start from scratch if they fail to meet the game's precise requirements, adding layers of challenge to the overall experience.

9 Crash Bandicoot

Testing the Limits of Dedication

The Crash Bandicoot series presents a different yet equally challenging scenario. While finishing the main storyline is relatively manageable, achieving a 100% completion rate demands exceptional dedication and skill. Players need to meticulously collect every item, uncover hidden paths, and conquer difficult tasks to unlock the full ending experience.

Only by mastering every aspect of the game can players uncover the rewarding finale that acknowledges their unwavering commitment.

8 Fallout: New Vegas

Navigating Complex Choices for the Perfect Conclusion

Fallout: New Vegas stands out as a prime example of a game where player decisions significantly impact the unfolding narrative. The game's intricate storyline, revolving around a post-apocalyptic world and diverse factions, requires players to carefully navigate various missions and moral dilemmas to reach the optimal resolutions.

Achieving the best possible outcomes demands keen observation of in-game characters, strategic gameplay, and a deep understanding of the consequences of each choice made along the way.