7 Video Games That Defy Stereotypical Notions Of Good And Evil

In the realm of video games, there are titles that blur the lines between traditional concepts of heroism and villainy, offering players complex narratives and morally grey characters.
7 Video Games That Defy Stereotypical Notions Of Good And Evil


  • Video games defy simplistic views of good and evil by featuring morally complex protagonists and storylines.
  • RPGs like BioShock and Baldur's Gate 3 present players with intricate moral dilemmas and multiple narrative paths.
  • Games such as Bully and Undertale explore themes of morality through unconventional storytelling and player choices.

Video games often revolve around conflicts, but some stand out by challenging traditional ideas of good and evil. These games may feature morally ambiguous protagonists, anti-heroes, or even villains as main characters.

Genres like RPGs frequently weave moral ambiguity into their narratives, forcing players to navigate shades of gray between good and evil. Through unexpected plot twists and multiple endings, these games provide a fresh perspective on the age-old battle of light versus darkness, captivating players with their rich storytelling.

7 BioShock

Metacritic Score: 96

BioShock challenges players' preconceptions of good and evil, revealing a narrative depth that transcends traditional gaming experiences. Its blend of first-person shooter gameplay with a thought-provoking storyline has earned it critical acclaim as a true work of art.

The underwater city of Rapture, created as a utopia by the enigmatic Andrew Ryan, serves as a backdrop to explore the intricate nuances of morality in BioShock.

6 Baldur's Gate 3

Metacritic Score: 96

Baldur's Gate 3 immerses players in a world where companions and NPCs blur the lines between good and evil, offering a multitude of narrative possibilities and moral quandaries. This game challenges players to consider the consequences of their choices and the diverse paths that lie ahead.

5 Bully

Metacritic Score: 87

Bully subverts the traditional notion of bullies by casting players as the antagonist facing off against even darker forces. With a narrative that challenges stereotypes, this game delves into the complexities of school life and societal expectations.

4 Undertale

Metacritic Score: 92

Undertale stands out with its retro aesthetic and narrative that challenges players' perceptions of good and evil. This RPG offers players a myriad of choices, each impacting the story in unexpected ways and prompting reflection on the consequences of their actions.

3 Grand Theft Auto 5

Metacritic Score: 97

Grand Theft Auto 5 captivates players with its morally intricate storyline, portraying characters engaged in questionable activities yet eliciting empathy from the audience. This game challenges players to navigate the complexities of its characters' motivations and actions, blurring the lines between right and wrong.

2 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Metacritic Score: 80

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines challenges players to explore the moral complexities of a vampire's existence, questioning conventional notions of good and evil. As players navigate the game's choices and consequences, they are forced to contemplate the shades of morality that define their character's journey.

1 The Bard's Tale

Metacritic Score: 75

The Bard's Tale offers a satirical take on traditional RPG narratives, challenging players to reconsider the archetypal hero's journey. Through its witty storytelling and unconventional characters, this game prompts reflection on the nature of heroism and the blurred lines between good and evil.