Funko Fusion: A New Crossover Game for LEGO Dimensions Fans

Discover how Funko Fusion might just be the sequel alternative LEGO Dimensions enthusiasts have been waiting for.
Funko Fusion: A New Crossover Game for LEGO Dimensions Fans


  • Funko Fusion offers a fresh take on the toys-to-life genre for fans craving a LEGO Dimensions sequel.
  • Traveller's Tales' innovative LEGO Dimensions game revolutionized crossovers in gaming history.
  • Funko Fusion, inspired by LEGO Dimensions, is poised to captivate fans with its diverse franchise crossovers.

The era of toys-to-life games introduced players to a range of unique experiences. From Skylanders featuring Spyro, to Disney Infinity combining beloved Disney characters, and LEGO Dimensions offering the ultimate crossover adventure. Despite initial success, the genre faded quickly, leaving LEGO Dimensions fans eagerly awaiting a sequel that has yet to materialize. However, the upcoming release of Funko Fusion promises to fill that void.

LEGO Dimensions stood out as a groundbreaking creation by Traveller's Tales, unlike any of their previous or subsequent projects. The game's unique multiversal concept garnered immense interest, hinting at future developments that never came to fruition. While a direct sequel seems unlikely, Funko Fusion steps in to potentially satisfy fans' unmet expectations.

Funko Fusion: Filling the Void Post LEGO Dimensions

Revolutionizing LEGO Fans' Gaming Experience

Prior to LEGO Dimensions, Traveller's Tales focused on individual franchises in their LEGO games, occasionally featuring crossover elements. However, LEGO Dimensions broke this pattern by uniting 14 diverse franchises at launch, expanding to 30 in the following year. Each franchise not only brought iconic characters but also unique open-world settings and storylines, culminating in a grand multiversal adventure. The game's closure before its third installment left fans yearning for more.

Funko Fusion: A Familiar Yet Fresh Approach

In the absence of a LEGO Dimensions sequel, Funko Fusion emerges as a potential successor. With promises to blend over 20 iconic franchises like Jurassic World, JAWS, and The Umbrella Academy, the game aims to deliver a novel gaming experience akin to Traveller's Tales' LEGO series. Developed by 10:10 Games, founded by a Traveller's Tales co-founder, Funko Fusion mirrors the gameplay style of LEGO games with a Funko Pop twist. The game's bold crossovers and familiar gameplay mechanics could offer LEGO Dimensions fans the sequel experience they've been longing for.