Exploring Fun Vault Numbers in Fallout Shelter

Discover the allure of unique vault numbers in Fallout Shelter that add a touch of fun to your gameplay experience.
Exploring Fun Vault Numbers in Fallout Shelter


  • Uncover the hidden bonuses and unique histories behind popular vault numbers
  • Explore intriguing vault designs and experiments within the game
  • Learn how certain vault numbers have become favorites among players and content creators

Fallout Shelter is part of the larger Fallout gaming universe, offering a free, multi-platform gaming experience since its launch in 2015. Initially seen as a promotional tool, the game has evolved into a beloved live service game, attracting a dedicated fan base over the years.

While all vaults in Fallout Shelter officially provide the same gameplay experience without any bonuses, certain vault numbers, rooted in Fallout lore, have sparked player interest due to rumored hidden perks. Players often gravitate towards these iconic vault numbers, adding a layer of personal significance and enjoyment to their gameplay.

8 Vault 101

The Vault of Overseer Experiment

  • Notable for: A unique vault sealed for 200 years as part of an overseer experiment.

Vault 101, designed to stay sealed for two centuries, served as a testing ground to observe overseer evolution over time. While popular as a first vault choice for players, its alleged gameplay advantages remain speculative.

7 Vault 8

The Control Vault

  • Notable for: Housing dwellers with diverse skill sets for repopulation efforts.

Vault 8, a control vault, aimed at kickstarting repopulation after a decade, accommodated individuals with skills aligned to the vault's goals. Players' claims of gameplay advantages in Vault 008 lack concrete evidence.

6 Vault 33

Center of Eugenics Experiment

  • Notable for: Part of a 3-vault cluster experiment involving eugenics studies.

Vault 33, along with Vault 31 and 32, was entangled in a sinister eugenics project, contrary to its initial cooperative purpose. While famous from the Fallout TV show, its in-game isolation dampens its historical significance.

5 Vault 88

The Prototype Test Vault

  • Notable for: Testing cutting-edge equipment and technologies for future vaults.

Vault 88, though unfinished in reality, acted as a testing ground for upcoming vault construction technologies. While its past layout variations are now obsolete, its legacy remains intriguing for players.

4 Vault 77

The Enigmatic Single-Dweller Vault

  • Notable for: Housing a solitary vault dweller known as Puppet Man.

Vault 77, a relic of antiquity, housed a lone dweller, evoking a mysterious ambiance with its unique design. While some players claim gameplay advantages, these perceptions lack empirical support.

3 Vault 420

The Streamer's Favorite

  • Notable for: Abundance of play-along guides tailored for streamers.

Vault 420, synonymous with a certain cultural significance, attracts content creators due to its thematic appeal. While not altering gameplay mechanics, it serves as a hub for tutorial-rich content creation.

2 Vault 666

The Quest Hub Vault

  • Notable for: Integrated into main quests and frequently featured in content creation.

Vault 666, a pivotal quest location in Fallout Shelter, stands as a standard vault choice with no unique features. Its thematic appeal has made it a popular pick among creators for tutorial-based content.

1 Vault 777

The Creators' Playground

  • Notable for: Rich collection of guides and tutorials for aspiring players.

Vault 777, often associated with luck, has garnered a reputation among players for its perceived gameplay ease, though anecdotal. Its popularity among content creators stems from its tutorial-friendly environment, aiding newcomers in navigating the game mechanics.