The Evolution of Stamina in FromSoftware's Game Design

Exploring the transformative journey of stamina bars in FromSoftware's games and the challenges of reverting to older models.
The Evolution of Stamina in FromSoftware's Game Design


  • FromSoftware's game design has evolved, with recent titles like Bloodborne and Elden Ring moving away from heavy stamina constraints.
  • The shift in stamina management in games like Sekiro signifies a departure from the traditional Soulslike model.
  • Reintroducing stamina as a major mechanic could pose a risk due to the years of progress in FromSoftware's game catalog.

FromSoftware has undergone significant transformations in its game design over the past decade, introducing various approaches to game structure, encounter design, and gameplay speed. The evolution towards faster-paced gameplay, as seen in titles like Bloodborne and Elden Ring, has redefined the expectations of challenge, customization, and dark fantasy for players.

The significant shift towards speedier gameplay was particularly evident with Bloodborne, marking a departure from the traditional Soulslike formula. Subsequent titles like Sekiro further emphasized mobility over stamina management, reshaping the landscape of FromSoftware games. This shift has made it challenging for both the developer and its fan base to return to the slower-paced, stamina-centric gameplay of previous Souls games.

Stamina's Integral Role in FromSoftware's Games

Stamina management has always been a core aspect of FromSoftware's game design, influencing player actions in titles like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. While earlier games heavily relied on stamina for combat mechanics, recent titles have shifted focus away from stamina constraints, allowing for more fluid and dynamic gameplay experiences.

Departure From Stamina in Recent Titles

Games like Bloodborne altered the approach to stamina by reducing its impact on player actions and increasing regeneration speed. This design choice empowered players and raised the difficulty level of challenges accordingly. Subsequent games like Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring continued this trend, with Sekiro taking a bold step by eliminating stamina mechanics entirely in favor of mobility and posture systems.

The Future of Stamina in FromSoftware's Games

The absence of stamina emphasis in Sekiro and Elden Ring has set a new standard for Soulslike games, as seen in recent releases like Another Crab's Treasure and Rise of the Ronin. The likelihood of a traditional Souls game without a strong focus on stamina is increasing, signaling a potential shift in design philosophy. While reintroducing stamina mechanics is a viable option, doing so would require careful execution to avoid undoing years of progress in game design.

Impact of Stamina on Core Game Elements

Reintroducing stamina mechanics can alter fundamental aspects of Soulslike games, affecting player strategies, enemy designs, and overall gameplay experience. Balancing caution with aggressive gameplay, and adjusting enemy difficulty levels would be essential considerations. Any future title from FromSoftware incorporating stamina management would need to navigate these challenges to preserve the mechanical advancements made in recent years.