Why FromSoftware Should Embrace a Direct Berserk Adaptation

Exploring the potential for FromSoftware to create a unique Berserk game experience by drawing from their long-standing inspiration.
Why FromSoftware Should Embrace a Direct Berserk Adaptation


  • FromSoftware's deep-rooted inspiration from Berserk offers a solid foundation for a direct adaptation, showcasing parallels in themes, storytelling, and design elements.
  • Despite previous Berserk adaptations falling short, FromSoftware's expertise and storytelling prowess could lead to the creation of the ultimate Berserk game experience.
  • A direct adaptation of Berserk by FromSoftware could open up avenues for innovative narrative techniques, fully capturing the manga's intricate tone and complexity.

Many gamers who delve into the world of Berserk are no strangers to its profound impact on FromSoftware's game universe. The studio's major titles are brimming with nods to Berserk, from subtle references and design elements to fundamental storylines and lore connections. While games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring carve out their unique identities despite drawing inspiration from Berserk, FromSoftware could take a bold step by directly translating the iconic manga into a game.

Berserk, a long-standing manga series that debuted in 1989, has seen various adaptations, including video games, that have often fallen short of capturing the essence of the original material. Even the acclaimed 1997 Berserk anime only covers a portion of the manga's expansive narrative, leaving ample room for FromSoftware to potentially craft the definitive Berserk adaptation.

Reimagining Berserk Through a FromSoftware Lens

Many enthusiasts argue that FromSoftware games essentially embody Berserk adaptations, albeit with each game offering a distinctive experience beyond mere replication. Beyond the evident thematic and stylistic parallels, Hidetaka Miyazaki and his team delve into similar realms as Berserk, exploring themes like the struggles of the undead in Dark Souls, the cosmic horror in Bloodborne, and the political intrigue in Elden Ring, resonating with Miura's epic saga.

The character-driven narrative in Sekiro mirrors Berserk's themes of betrayal, vengeance, loyalty, and moral decay. Notably, Sekiro's protagonist, Wolf, shares similarities with Guts, both characterized by unwavering loyalty, formidable combat skills, and intricate prosthetic appendages. Sekiro's narrative depth showcases FromSoftware's potential to excel in a Berserk adaptation.

Revolutionizing Berserk's Narrative

While Sekiro offers a more direct narrative structure compared to FromSoftware's other titles, it maintains a lore-rich, interpretative storytelling approach, shaping Wolf's journey based on player decisions. In contrast, Berserk's narrative complexity, centered on Guts' evolution, would challenge FromSoftware to adopt diverse storytelling methods, potentially emphasizing cinematic sequences over the solitary gameplay prevalent in Souls games. This shift could foster creative growth and experimentation in narrative and gameplay design for the studio.

Past Berserk video game iterations have struggled to capture the manga's dark, gritty, and emotionally charged ambiance. FromSoftware's adept handling of tone and atmosphere through nuanced gameplay mechanics, sound design, and visual aesthetics could authentically translate Berserk's essence into a game format.

FromSoftware's inclination towards profound philosophical themes akin to Berserk, such as existential quandaries and human agency, aligns with the manga's narrative essence. By tweaking their unconventional storytelling methods, FromSoftware could seamlessly adapt Berserk's intricate storyline. Whether focusing on a specific arc or encompassing the entire saga, the prospect of Miyazaki and his team directly interpreting their primary inspiration holds immense promise.