Mastering Emote Control in Fortnite

Empower yourself with the ability to manage confrontational emotes in Fortnite effortlessly.
Mastering Emote Control in Fortnite


  • Understand the impact of Confrontational Emotes in Fortnite
  • Customize your Confrontational Emote settings in just a few clicks
  • Ensure a positive gaming experience by controlling what you see

Fortnite introduced emotes early on, becoming a defining feature of the game. These emotes, such as Fortnite dances, gained immense popularity. However, some players feel that certain emotes, especially those used during or after combat, may be inappropriate. On April 23, 2024, with the release of update v29.30, the Confrontational Emotes feature was launched.

This guide aims to assist players in understanding and managing Confrontational Emotes in Fortnite, enabling them to customize their settings based on their preferences at any time.

Exploring Confrontational Emotes in Fortnite

Fortnite boasts a wide array of dances; while some promote sportsmanship and fun, others are designed to provoke or taunt opponents. These confrontational emotes can lead to negative experiences for some players, detracting from the enjoyment of the game.

Epic Games introduced the Confrontational Emotes feature to address this issue, targeting specific emotes like:

  • Laugh It Up
  • Take the L
  • Whipcrack
  • Make It Plantain

These emotes were singled out due to their negative impact on the community's gaming experience. By toggling the Confrontational Emote setting, players can choose whether to witness these emotes or block them from their gameplay.

Disabling Confrontational Emotes results in the player's character remaining static when an offending emote is performed, without any accompanying movement or sound.

Managing Confrontational Emote Preferences

Upon its release on April 23, 2024, the Confrontational Emote setting defaulted to "From Friends in Party," limiting confrontational emotes to squadmates only for players who did not adjust this setting.

In Fortnite, players have three Confrontational Emote options:

  • "From Anyone" - allows viewing of all Confrontational Emotes
  • "From Friends in Party" - restricts emotes to squadmates
  • "Never" - blocks all Confrontational Emotes

To modify Confrontational Emote settings, players need to navigate to the Settings menu, access the Account and Privacy tab, and adjust the See Confrontational Emotes option within the Social Privacy section. A video tutorial is available for assistance.