Fortnite's Latest Weapon Balance Adjustments

A breakdown of the recent Fortnite update focusing on changes to the Reaper Sniper Rifle, Waterbending, and more.
Fortnite's Latest Weapon Balance Adjustments


  • Waterbending now launches icy projectiles faster with increased damage and fire rate.
  • Chains of Hades receives damage boosts for melee combos and pull attacks.
  • Reaper Sniper Rifle and Frenzy Auto Shotgun are weakened, while Hand Cannons get a boost.

Fortnite's most recent update shakes up the game by tweaking the power of the Reaper Sniper Rifle, Frenzy Auto Shotgun, Chains of Hades, and Waterbending. The adjustments also touch on Hand Cannons, which made a return in Chapter 5 Season 2.

The Waterbending Mythic in Fortnite arrived with the Avatar: The Last Airbender event that started on April 2. Players engaging with the event's Korra skins quests are likely to encounter the Waterbending Mythic along the way. This Mythic item can be found in chests or lying on the ground and enables players to launch icy projectiles at foes. It also grants a passive ability to regenerate health while in water. However, just three days after its introduction, Waterbending underwent a significant alteration.

The projectiles of Waterbending now travel much faster, with a higher fire rate and increased damage per hit. The Chains of Hades saw improvements as well, with boosted damage for its melee combo and pull attack. On the flip side, the Reaper Sniper Rifle had its bullet speed and chest drop rates decreased. This adjustment led to a substantial 116% increase in bullet drop, impacting its long-range efficiency. Furthermore, the Frenzy Auto Shotgun experienced reductions in its fire rate and headshot multiplier. The update also ramped up the drop rate of Hand Cannons, making them available in rare chests.

Notable Alterations in Fortnite's Recent Balancing Update

  • Bullet speed and chest drop rate of the Reaper Sniper Rifle reduced
  • Frenzy Auto Shotgun's fire rate and headshot multiplier lowered
  • Waterbending now boasts increased projectile speed, fire rate, and damage per hit
  • Chains of Hades gets a damage boost for its melee combo and pull attack
  • Hand Cannon's availability rises with increased drop rate and inclusion in rare chests

The nerf to the sniper rifle stands out as a significant modification, given the weapon's contentious status among fans. The substantial increase in bullet drop by 116% poses a challenge to its long-distance accuracy, leaving its popularity uncertain. Recently, players have voiced the opinion that Bows would have been a better replacement for the Reaper Sniper Rifle this season, aligning more closely with the current Greek mythology theme.

The Chains of Hades now emerges as a more formidable choice thanks to the enhancements in combo damage. The first two hits now deal an extra 15 damage each, the third hit inflicts 10 more damage, and the chain throw causes 20 additional damage. With these adjustments, the Chains have the potential to deplete an opponent's full shields with a well-executed throw and combo.

While fans revel in the Avatar-inspired event, rumors suggest a potential future crossover for Fortnite. Speculation hints at a collaboration with Planet of the Apes in the pipeline, possibly tied to the release of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes in May.