Discover the Latest Fortnite Glitch for Instant Teammate Reboots

Unveiling a new Fortnite glitch that enables players to reboot their teammates instantly, bypassing the usual waiting time.
Discover the Latest Fortnite Glitch for Instant Teammate Reboots


  • Players can exploit a glitch to reboot teammates instantly at reboot vans during Fortnite's Avatar event.
  • The Airbending glitch might be fixed by Epic Games before the event concludes on May 3.
  • Learn how to execute the glitch and reboot teammates in Fortnite effortlessly.

An astute Fortnite player has unearthed a method to swiftly revive fallen teammates at a reboot van by leveraging the Airbending mythic in a unique manner. Although the Fortnite glitch is currently operational, it is anticipated to be rectified soon.

The ongoing Fortnite Avatar event showcases four new mythics inspired by the iconic show, encompassing Airbending, Firebending, Waterbending, and Earthbending. With the introduction of novel Fortnite items often comes the discovery of various glitches by players, particularly with the Airbending mythic. Among these glitches, one enables silent movement while air wheeling, while another expands the field of view throughout a match.

Following a post on the FortniteCompetitive subreddit by AxzoYT, a Reddit user, a fresh Airbending glitch has emerged. The clip shared demonstrates how a teammate can be instantly rebooted. By executing the glitch, players can employ Airbending's air wheel to pick up a reboot card and swiftly move to a nearby reboot van. Upon interaction, the teammate is promptly rebooted instead of the standard 10-second process. To perform the glitch successfully, one simply needs to "spam the interact key while airbending," as explained by the user. Additionally, the glitch ensures that the reboot process at the van remains discreet, unlike the usual loud noise that could alert nearby foes.

Executing Instant Teammate Reboots in Fortnite

  • Equip the Airbending mythic
  • Engage in an air wheel and retrieve a teammates' reboot card
  • Maintain the air wheel and continuously press the interact key at a reboot van

The Fortnite Avatar event is set to conclude on May 3, potentially signaling the removal of the Airbending mythic and other elemental powers. As of now, the Airbending reboot glitch remains active. However, the timeline for Epic Games to address this issue is uncertain, as fixes can be implemented swiftly or take a few weeks.

Notably, a previous Fortnite bug facilitated players to infiltrate player-made structures using the Earthbending mythic, leading to a temporary vaulting of the item for bug resolution. Should Epic deem the Airbending glitch significant, a comparable action may be taken. Nonetheless, this remains speculative.

Following the Avatar event, Fortnite's upcoming crossover reintroduces Star Wars into the game. Dataminers suggest the inclusion of a Wookie Bowcaster mythic item, Chewbacca skin, Rebel Leia Organa skin, alongside the revival of lightsabers and force abilities. Future collaborations for Fortnite may involve Pirates of the Caribbean, Fall Guys, and Metallica.