Discover the Thrilling World of Forest Serum

Exploring the captivating blend of crafting and tension in Sons of the Forest's new title, Serum.
Discover the Thrilling World of Forest Serum


  • Embark on a unique survival adventure with games like Sons of the Forest and Serum offering innovative gameplay mechanics and intriguing premises.
  • Experience heightened tension in Serum through timed gameplay and intense searching mechanics, requiring players to craft weapons, find serum, and solve mysteries in an infected world.
  • Uncover the mystery and excitement of Serum's crafting system, base building, and cooperative multiplayer mode, promising a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

Survival games have evolved significantly since the early 2000s, led by titles such as Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 4. The genre continues to evolve with new developers, both indie and AAA, entering the scene. While earlier survival games focused on common tropes like zombie hunting, newer titles like Sons of the Forest bring a fresh perspective to the genre. Sons of the Forest immerses players in an island full of cannibals, providing a unique and thrilling experience, with upcoming titles like Serum set to offer similar excitement.

Unlike traditional zombie themes, Sons of the Forest introduces sentient enemies, adding a new layer of gameplay dynamics. The game's success has paved the way for other developers to explore similar themes, with Serum presenting a mutated world that promises an exciting challenge for fans of the genre.

Serum's Survival Saga Mirrors Sons of the Forest

While Sons of the Forest starts with a plane crash, Serum plunges players into a post-apocalyptic setting where a mysterious serum holds the key to survival amidst a devastating plague known as the Blight.

Heightened Tension and Thrills in Serum

In Serum, a timer on the protagonist's arm creates urgency by indicating the character's remaining lifespan. Players must explore the environment to find or craft serum to prolong their survival. Crafting weapons becomes crucial to fend off mutated creatures, with serum offering unique abilities that can alter gameplay significantly.

Players can experiment with various serum recipes, allowing for diverse playstyles and strategies. The game's emphasis on crafting adds depth to the survival experience, akin to popular titles like Sons of the Forest and Valheim.

Unraveling Mysteries and Cooperating in Serum

Aside from crafting and survival, Serum also offers a mysterious narrative waiting to be uncovered. Players can delve into the game's lore while teaming up with others in online cooperative mode. This multiplayer feature, akin to Sons of the Forest, enhances the social aspect of the game, promising an engaging and immersive experience for players.