Beginner's Guide to Football Manager 2024: Avoid These Common Mistakes for a Successful First Season

Navigating the complexities of Football Manager 2024 can be daunting for new players, but with these helpful tips, you can ease into the role of a manager with confidence.
Beginner's Guide to Football Manager 2024: Avoid These Common Mistakes for a Successful First Season


  • Utilize the Development Center to find hidden gems and talent within your team.
  • Pay close attention to the weekly training schedule to manage fatigue and prevent injuries.
  • Avoid frequently changing formations to allow players time to adapt and build cohesion on the field.

Stepping into the world of Football Manager 2024 can be overwhelming for newcomers, with a myriad of decisions to be made, ranging from team formations to player fines. However, these decisions are pivotal in shaping the destiny of your team, regardless of its standing in the league.

It's crucial for beginners to be aware of common mistakes to steer clear of in Football Manager 2024. By sidestepping these blunders, you can set your team on a path to success and a respectable finish at the end of the season.

1Neglecting the Development Center

Hidden Gems Await in Your Team

Newcomers often overlook the potential within their own team, constantly scouting for budget-friendly midfielders without exploring internal talent. The Reserves or Youth side may harbor hidden gems who can seamlessly join the first team and address any gaps within the squad.

While these players may be unpolished initially, with proper development, they can evolve into valuable assets, either as mainstays in the starting lineup or as profitable transfers to other teams.

2Ignoring Weekly Training

The Key to Seasonal Success

Amidst the plethora of information available, such as the Assistant Manager's reports and squad training schedules, disregarding these crucial details can lead to chaos. Aligning the training sessions with the team's condition is paramount, managing fatigue, tactical acclimatization, and overall player development.

Single-competition teams can opt for intense training between matches, while those competing in multiple events should lean towards lighter sessions to prevent injuries from piling up.

3Changing Formation Frequently

Building Player Cohesion

Similar to real-life football, players need time to adapt to their manager's tactical ethos, especially after transitioning from a different system under the previous regime. Establishing tactical familiarity is imperative for on-field cohesion and preventing confusion during matches.

Resisting the temptation to alter formations hastily and allowing time for players to acclimate to the current setup before making adjustments is crucial for long-term success.