Finding Rare Materials in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Discover the locations and methods for obtaining rare weapon enhancement materials in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
Finding Rare Materials in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


  • Locate five types of materials for weapon enhancement at Julie’s Gearworks
  • Understand the sources for obtaining rare materials and their contribution to weapon enhancement
  • Acquire higher-level materials in later chapters for upgrading endgame 7-star weapons

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, players frequently visit Julie’s Gearworks to enhance their gear, a crucial aspect of overcoming the game’s challenges. Enhancing a weapon not only boosts its attack and defense but also unlocks powerful branding slots. There are five distinct materials dedicated solely to upgrading weapons.

Each material contributes a specific number of points towards increasing a weapon's enhancement level. Regardless of the material type, all tiers are valuable throughout the game, irrespective of the player's progress or the weapon's current upgrade status.

The requirement to increase a weapon's strength by +1 varies based on the weapon and its enhancement level. Achieving enhancement levels of +10, +30, and +50 unlocks brand slots, enabling players to gain additional benefits. Here's everything players need to know about obtaining weapon enhancement materials in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Where to Find Rare Materials

At Julie's Gearworks, players encounter five types of materials for weapon enhancement. As they progress through the game, they come across higher tier materials that contribute more points towards enhancing weapons. The quantity of each material is visible in the top right corner while working on weapons.

Players can also exchange unwanted weapons for materials through the