Finding Inspiration in Games for The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020

Exploring how drawing from gaming's most chilling hits can elevate Supermassive Games' new sci-fi horror venture.
Finding Inspiration in Games for The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020


  • Directive 8020 marks a significant shift for Supermassive Games, moving from Hollywood-inspired horror to cosmic horror with a sci-fi twist.
  • By taking cues from gaming horror successes like Dead Space, Directive 8020 has the potential to broaden its audience and establish a new standard.
  • With an emphasis on psychological tension and foreboding, Directive 8020 could become Supermassive's most spine-chilling and remarkable title yet, offering a fresh take on horror gaming.

Supermassive Games has garnered acclaim over the last decade for producing some of the most hair-raising horror games in recent memory, cultivating a dedicated fan base in the process. The anticipation surrounding its upcoming title, Directive 8020, speaks volumes about the reputation the studio has built for delivering top-tier thrills in the genre. As the latest installment in Supermassive's The Dark Pictures Anthology series, the sci-fi horror of Directive 8020 signifies a bold and intriguing departure for the developer.

Directive 8020 appears to share similarities with its predecessors in The Dark Pictures Anthology, as seen in the enigmatic tone set by its debut trailer. However, its space-centric backdrop represents a stark deviation from previous entries. While this shift provides room for innovative storytelling within the series' cinematic framework, it also presents a challenge for Supermassive. Given that The Dark Pictures Anthology titles have traditionally drawn inspiration from the film industry, this transition may prove demanding for Directive 8020. Hence, rather than Hollywood, Supermassive should seek inspiration from the most terrifying games in the industry.

Exploring Beyond Hollywood's Influence

Initially hinted at in a post-credits scene in The Devil In Me, Supermassive has maintained secrecy around its eerie sci-fi project following the reveal trailer for The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020 in late 2022. The teaser hinted at the familiar cinematic style that has endeared The Dark Pictures Anthology games to fans, coupled with profound cosmic horror elements. While this opens avenues for fresh and chilling gameplay experiences, it also implies that Supermassive may need to distance itself from the Hollywood-inspired narratives of its prior works in the anthology.

Supermassive Games has always acknowledged the cinematic influences on The Dark Pictures Anthology. From drawing inspiration from films like The Blair Witch Project and Season of the Witch in the second entry, Little Hope, to referencing horror classics such as Saw and The Shining in 2022's The Devil In Me, the series has embraced its filmic roots. However, when it comes to cosmic horror in Directive 8020, movies offer limited guidance. With Hollywood's scant exploration of cosmic horror, save for rare exceptions like 1997's Event Horizon, the game would benefit more from drawing inspiration from gaming gems like Dead Space.

Deriving Inspiration from Gaming Hits like Dead Space

While Hollywood may struggle to portray cosmic horror effectively, game developers have excelled in this genre for years, providing Supermassive with a rich pool of inspiration. From the eerie underwater environments of Soma and the indie title Iron Lung to the more stylized Carrion, gaming boasts a plethora of top-notch cosmic horror experiences.

Although various games have explored cosmic horror, few can match the blend of cosmic dread and sci-fi elements found in Dead Space and Returnal. With their oppressive atmospheres and emphasis on building psychological unease, these titles serve as a blueprint that Directive 8020 could follow. While Supermassive is unlikely to transform Directive 8020 into a pure action game, these horror masterpieces demonstrate the broad appeal cosmic horror can have. Drawing from games like Dead Space could help The Dark Pictures Anthology, which has occasionally struggled to attract a wide audience, captivate a new set of fans with Directive 8020.

Directive 8020 heralds a new era for The Dark Pictures Anthology, and its sci-fi backdrop necessitates that Supermassive Games break away from its familiar patterns. By seeking inspiration from the gaming realm instead of relying solely on Hollywood, as it has done in the past, Supermassive has an opportunity to craft Directive 8020 into its most remarkable and terrifying title yet.