Where to Locate General Engstrom's Set in The Lords of the Fallen

Discover the steps needed to obtain General Engstrom's Set through a challenging questline and boss battle.
Where to Locate General Engstrom's Set in The Lords of the Fallen


  • Completing the questline and defeating General Engstrom is essential to obtain the armor set and weapons
  • Locate and interact with specific gestures and items to initiate the questline
  • Defeat the agile and formidable General Engstrom by employing strategic tactics

The Lords of the Fallen is an action RPG game that emphasizes the significance of Lampbearers in the confrontation with Adyr, the demon god. The recent update, known as the Trial of the Three Spirits, introduces captivating content, appealing to new and existing players. The game now offers new challenges and questlines, enabling players to acquire armor sets and weapons, albeit at the risk of confronting a formidable secret boss.

The Blazing Hand quest is a newly added questline featuring General Engstrom. Locating the Blazing Hands in the expansive game world poses a challenge, and here are the necessary locations and prerequisites to complete this questline.

How to Finish the Questline

To initiate this questline, players must first acquire three crucial gestures—Pledge of Adyr, Crimson Ritual Fervour, and the Laughter gesture. The Pledge of Adyr gesture is situated atop a corpse on a broken catapult at the beginning of the Upper Calrath, accessible from Lower Calrath. Acquiring the Crimson Ritual Fervour is straightforward; players simply need to interact with the Shrine of Adyr for the first time. To obtain the Laughter gesture, players must defeat Crimson Rector Percival and fulfill the initial segment of Damarose the Marked's questline.

After obtaining the gestures, proceed to the Vestige of Betrayed Eliard, also known as the Shrine of Adyr. From this point, take the left path, descend the ladder, and cross the bridge. Subsequently, players will arrive at an open area in the castle, where they can engage in a battle with The Lightreaper if not previously defeated. Here, a tree awaits interaction to commence the questline by performing the Pledge of Adyr gesture.

The primary objective of the questline is to locate the five Blazing Hands situated in different areas and utilize a quest item on them. The first Blazing Hand is found in Fief of the Chill Curse. From the Vestige of Svornil, ascend the stairs and continue straight until reaching the ladder at the far end. Ascend the ladder, and on the right at the back, the Wintry Ordnance quest item awaits. Adjacent to the item, the first Blazing Hand is located on a tree, requiring players to extinguish it using the quest item.

For the second Blazing Hand, players should return to the Shrine of Adyr, proceed straight, and descend the ladder. Instead of crossing the bridge, enter the left tunnel and transition to the Umbral Realm. From this point, players must consistently hug the right wall until reaching the end of the tunnel, where the second Blazing Hand awaits atop a tree.

The third Blazing Hand can be found at the Skyrest Bridge, in the arena where the Pieta battle occurs. Proceed straight until encountering a door on the left leading to Upper Calrath. Descend the ladder and utilize the Umbral Lamp to pass through the gated entrance. At this location, the tree bearing the Blazing Hand can be located, the same area where Kukajin is confronted if provoked.

Moving on to the fourth Blazing Hand, players need to proceed to the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim in Bramis Castle. Head towards the left staircase leading up to the interior of the castle. Upon climbing the staircase, veer left towards the main chamber of the castle. Progress left through the fire, necessitating the use of the Umbral Lamp to transition to the Umbral Realm. To access the door ahead, players require the Royal Key, situated on the castle's second floor, resting on a bookshelf. Continuing straight through the royal dining room and into the courtyard, players will encounter the fourth Blazing Hand.

For the final Blazing Hand, players need to visit the Vestige of Hooded Antuli at the Sunless Skein Mines. Open the left door of the vestige using the Sunless Skein Key, located atop one of the cages just before the Skinstealer boss battle. After passing through the gate, continue north until reaching a lava pit, then turn right and ascend the ladder twice to discover the fifth Blazing Hand.

Upon extinguishing all the Blazing Hands, players must return to the initial tree and perform the Crimson Ritual Fervour gesture. This action summons General Engstrom, the boss associated with this questline. Overcoming this formidable opponent results in obtaining the General Engstrom Armor Set and some Umbral Scouring. Subsequently, players can perform the Laughter gesture at the tree post-battle to acquire the Judgement and Punishment Boss weapons, formidable hammers capable of inflicting substantial damage when maximally upgraded.

Strategies for General Engstrom Boss Battles

General Engstrom, the secret boss encountered at the conclusion of the Blazing Hand questline, is optional in terms of story progression. However, defeating him is crucial for obtaining his Armor set and both of his weapons. General Engstrom proves to be a nimble and formidable adversary, equipped with a diverse array of attacks, including Slam Attacks, Flame Spikes, Clones, and more. His agility and Dash ability allow him to engage and disengage readily, maintaining aggressive pressure while evading threats. Nonetheless, his dual hammers result in relatively slow attack speed, facilitating evasion of his assaults.

Moreover, General Engstrom possesses considerable health, prolonging the battle significantly. Dealing with his frequent spikes and evasive maneuvers can be taxing even for seasoned players. Capitalizing on his slow swings and observing his dashes can expedite his defeat.