Uncovering Copper Wire in Lightyear Frontier

Discover the essential process of obtaining copper wire in Lightyear Frontier, a crucial material for various constructions.
Uncovering Copper Wire in Lightyear Frontier


  • Learn how to craft copper wire in Lightyear Frontier
  • Locate abundant sources of copper in the game world
  • Explore the diverse uses of copper ore and copper wire in crafting and upgrades

Embark on a journey in Lightyear Frontier, where gathering materials and crafting are key components of gameplay. Among the essential resources like aluminum and coal, copper wire stands out as a vital material required for numerous constructions in the game. However, obtaining copper wire can be a challenging task.

Crafting Copper Wire in Lightyear Frontier

Creating copper wire involves processing raw copper in the Assembler. To produce one copper wire, you must gather two raw copper ore by mining copper across the map. This means collecting twice the amount of ore for the desired quantity of copper wire. Once you have sufficient copper, begin the processing.

Locating Copper Deposits in Lightyear Frontier

To amass a substantial supply of copper ore, you need to identify areas abundant in this resource. Copper ore appears as reddish-orange rectangles in dirt mounds similar to aluminum deposits. Use the Saw tool to extract copper, with the resource replenishing every few in-game days. A prime location for copper mining is the southeastern Edge Cliffs, accessible by heading south from the starting point in Meadows.

Crafting Possibilities with Copper in Lightyear Frontier

Discover a range of creations requiring raw copper, copper wire, or other copper-based products in Lightyear Frontier. Some of the items that utilize copper include Aluminum Electronics, Battery, Copper Wire, Flower Press, Iron Electronics, Radio Tower, Silo, Steel Electronics, and Weather Station. Moreover, various mech upgrades in the game involve copper or its derivatives, such as Inventory Capacity enhancements, Lock-on Targets improvements, Pathmaker, Spike Saw Power boosts, Sprint Speed upgrades, and Vacuum Harvester enhancements.