Final Fantasy: Ranking the Most Troublesome Siblings in the Franchise

Discover the most challenging sisters in Final Fantasy games who push the boundaries of family dynamics.
Final Fantasy: Ranking the Most Troublesome Siblings in the Franchise


  • Some Final Fantasy characters create tension within their families, leading to risky situations instead of offering support.
  • Yuko Sasaki from Final Fantasy Lost Stranger makes a grave mistake in a misguided attempt to save someone, sacrificing her own life in the process.
  • Iris Amicitia from Final Fantasy 15 complicates relationships by harboring romantic feelings for Noctis, causing strain and disrupting harmony.

The Final Fantasy series is renowned for its characters who navigate complex relationships, both within found families and among blood relatives. While these bonds often provide unwavering support in times of need, some characters seem determined to test the limits of these connections.

Among these troublemakers are sisters who defy the conventional expectation of unwavering sibling loyalty, instead sowing discord and chaos in their wake. Whether through misguided intentions or reckless actions, these siblings bring turmoil to their families and friends, making them less than ideal relatives.

5 Yuko Sasaki (Final Fantasy Lost Stranger)

The Tragic Tale of a Manga Heroine Who Takes a Noble Act to a Fatal Extreme

  • Release Date: July 12, 2017
  • Writer: Hazuki Minaze
  • Artist: Itsuki Kameya

In the meta manga Lost Stranger, siblings Shogo and Yuko Sasaki are transported to a world inspired by Final Fantasy. When Yuko impulsively risks her life to save a boy from a dragon, her noble act turns tragic. Ignoring the danger, she leads her brother and their companions into a perilous situation, ultimately sacrificing herself for a futile cause.

Yuko's lack of judgment endangers her brother and highlights her ignorance of basic Final Fantasy principles, resulting in a senseless tragedy that could have been avoided with clearer thinking.

4 Iris Amicitia

The Perils of Unrequited Love and Complicated Relationships

As the younger sister of Gladiolus in Final Fantasy 15, Iris creates turmoil by developing romantic feelings for Noctis, the prince under her brother's protection. Despite knowing the complexities of their positions and Noctis' betrothal to another, Iris pursues a romantic relationship, straining her bond with her brother and complicating the group dynamics.

Her actions not only jeopardize existing relationships but also showcase a lack of consideration for the consequences of her feelings, causing unnecessary tension and drama within the group.

3 Ann

The Reckless Decision-Maker Who Gambles With Her Sisters' Futures

Caught in a web of unwanted suitors, Ann makes a hasty agreement with a persistent pursuer, endangering her sisters' autonomy in the process. By involving her siblings in a risky scheme without their consent, Ann showcases poor judgment and a disregard for their well-being, ultimately putting their futures at stake.

Her actions not only demonstrate a lack of responsibility but also highlight a troubling trend of prioritizing personal convenience over familial bonds, risking their happiness for her own misguided choices.