Final Fantasy: Unique Anti-Heroes to Root For

Discover the captivating anti-heroes in Final Fantasy games who blur the lines between good and evil.
Final Fantasy: Unique Anti-Heroes to Root For


  • Meet intriguing characters who challenge traditional hero archetypes
  • Explore their complex journeys of redemption and self-discovery
  • Experience the thrill of rooting for morally ambiguous yet compelling figures

When it comes to storytelling, Final Fantasy is known for its heroic parties banding together to defeat formidable villains wielding dark powers. While most characters fall into clear hero or villain categories, some stand out as anti-heroes, blurring the line between good and evil.

These anti-heroes use unconventional methods to achieve their goals, adding depth and intrigue to the game narratives. Here are some of the most fascinating anti-heroes in the Final Fantasy series:

6 Aranea Highwind

A Dragoon Bounty Hunter Turns on Her Imperialist Employers

Aranea Highwind, a mercenary hired by the Niflheim Empire to track down Prince Noctis, possesses a laid-back demeanor masking her deadly dragoon combat skills. While loyal to her employers initially, she rebels against the Empire upon witnessing their inhumane experiments, choosing to protect the innocent instead.

5 Kain Highwind

A Cold, Calculating Knight Seeks Redemption

Kain Highwind, a dragon knight under Golbez's control, struggles with his loyalty and ultimately seeks redemption by breaking free from his manipulative master. His journey from darkness to light showcases his resolve to atone for his past misdeeds.

4 Kuja

A Living Weapon Defies His Programming

Kuja, a genetically engineered weapon seeking freedom from his predetermined fate, embarks on a path of defiance against his creators. Despite his villainous actions, his desire for autonomy and survival make him a complex and relatable character.

3 Balthier

A Charismatic Pirate Makes For Intriguing Company

Balthier, a charming sky pirate driven by self-interest, conceals a heroic heart beneath his roguish facade. His reluctant yet noble actions endear him to both his companions and players alike.

2 The Turks

These Company Fixers Only Follow Evil Orders When It Suits Them

The enigmatic Turks, operatives of the Shinra Electric Power Company, navigate a moral gray area as they carry out their assignments with a mix of professionalism and selective conscience. Their unpredictable nature keeps both allies and enemies on their toes, making every encounter a thrilling gamble.

1 Yuffie Kisaragi

A Ninja and Thief, Yuffie's Boundless Drive Can't Be Ignored

Yuffie Kisaragi, a spirited ninja driven by her allegiance to Wutai, adds a mischievous yet endearing energy to the party. Despite her thieving tendencies, her infectious enthusiasm and desire for adventure make her a valuable and lovable companion on the journey.