Final Fantasy: Overlooked Party Member Potentials

Exploring the untapped potential of these charismatic and intriguing Final Fantasy characters who could have enriched the player's party experience.
Final Fantasy: Overlooked Party Member Potentials


  • Discover characters from various Final Fantasy games who could have been valuable additions to the player's party.
  • Uncover unique traits and abilities that these characters possess, which could have diversified gameplay experiences.
  • Reflect on missed opportunities where these characters could have been integrated into the main party, enhancing the overall narrative and player engagement.

Square Enix has a knack for crafting captivating party members in their Final Fantasy series, each bringing their own charm and depth to the games. However, beyond the main party, there are other characters brimming with charisma and potential who never quite make it to full party status, despite forming strong bonds with the protagonists.

At times, it almost feels like these characters were on the cusp of joining the main group, only to veer off on their own paths. Let's delve into the Final Fantasy universe and explore characters who deserved a spot in the player's party and the unique dynamics they could have brought to the gameplay.

6 Cor Leonis (Final Fantasy 15)

Cor's Loyalty and Combat Style Would Have Complemented the Main Crew

Cor briefly aids the player in battles, but his potential as a permanent party member remains untapped. His regal background and agile sword-fighting skills could have added a new dimension to the combat system, offering players diverse playstyles to explore.

5 Jessie Rasberry (Final Fantasy 7)

Jessie's Explosive Expertise and Romance Arc Could Have Enhanced Gameplay

Jessie's charm and proficiency with explosives presented an opportunity for engaging combat mechanics. Her potential as a romance option and her unique combat style could have added depth to both the narrative and gameplay.

4 Gadot (Final Fantasy 13)

Gadot's Role in Challenging Snow's Decisions Would Have Enriched the Story

Gadot's presence could have provided a counterbalance to Snow's character, questioning his actions and motives. Her fast-paced combat style could have diversified the party's abilities, offering players a contrasting gameplay experience.

3 Fujin (Final Fantasy 8)

Fujin's Unique Design and Combat Style Beg for Further Exploration

Fujin's stoic demeanor and distinctive fighting techniques make her a compelling character. Her inclusion in the party would have offered insights into her past and relationships, while introducing a fresh combat style to the player's arsenal.

2 Aishya (Final Fantasy 6)

Aishya's Complex Background and Interactions Could Have Added Depth to the Party

Aishya's entanglement with the Empire and personal conflicts hinted at a rich narrative potential. Exploring her relationships and motivations could have offered players a unique perspective, coupled with a distinctive combat style.

1 Rikken (Final Fantasy 12)

Embracing Rikken's Charisma and Pirate Background Would Have Enriched the Player's Journey

Rikken's carefree nature and interactions with the party hinted at a missed opportunity for a vibrant addition. His playful demeanor and potential combat prowess could have elevated the player's experience, providing a fresh dynamic to the gameplay.