Final Fantasy 7 Will Dive Deeper Into Sephiroth's Character, Says Director

Naoki Hamaguchi, the director of Final Fantasy 7, promises a more in-depth exploration of the villainous Sephiroth in the upcoming sequel.
Final Fantasy 7 Will Dive Deeper Into Sephiroth's Character, Says Director


  • Final Fantasy 7 will provide players with a closer look into Sephiroth's mind and his journey into darkness, aiming to make them relate to and understand the character.
  • The upcoming sequel will delve into Sephiroth's backstory, highlighting his friendships, childhood, and connection to his birth mother, allowing players to see him in a new light.
  • Director Naoki Hamaguchi suggests that players may come to sympathize with Sephiroth as they witness his descent into darkness, offering a different perspective on the iconic villain.

Naoki Hamaguchi, the director of the upcoming Final Fantasy 7, recently hinted at the game's continued expansion on the original lore, particularly in providing a deeper understanding of the enigmatic antagonist, Sephiroth.

Sephiroth, the iconic sword-wielding antagonist of Final Fantasy 7, holds a significant place in the franchise's history and has left a lasting impression on players. Once hailed as the greatest warrior from Shinra's SOLDIER program, Sephiroth's tragic transformation into a destructive force, fueled by the dark experiments that empowered him, is a key aspect of the game's narrative.

In 2020's Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Sephiroth's presence was heightened, appearing earlier in the storyline than in the original game. This trend is set to continue in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as promotional materials indicate that Sephiroth will maintain his role as a formidable adversary, especially during the pivotal flashback to his descent into darkness in Nibelheim.

Director Naoki Hamaguchi assured fans that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will delve deeper into Sephiroth's character, possibly prompting players to develop a degree of empathy towards him. In an interview with Game Informer, Hamaguchi explained that the game will portray Sephiroth's gradual fall from grace, aiming to evoke emotions of understanding and connection with both Cloud and Sephiroth as characters.

While Sephiroth's portrayal in the original game primarily focused on his villainous nature and the impending threat he posed, subsequent Final Fantasy 7 projects have enriched his backstory, shedding light on his earlier heroic endeavors and personal ties. Games like Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis have explored his relationships, childhood, and family history, offering players a contrasting perspective on the character.

Insights from creative director Tetsuya Nomura and descriptions of the game's narrative from the ESRB suggest that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will culminate in one of Sephiroth's pivotal actions from the original game. However, prior to this climax, players can anticipate a more profound exploration of Sephiroth's psyche, aligning with Naoki Hamaguchi's vision for the game. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set to launch on PlayStation 5 on February 29, allowing fans to unravel the complexities of Sephiroth's character firsthand.