Uncovering Comet Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Explore the depths of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to discover the potent Comet Materia.
Uncovering Comet Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


  • Discover the versatility of Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
  • Unveil the location of the powerful Comet Materia.
  • Assess the strength and strategic use of Comet Materia in battles.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth introduces Materia, valuable tools that enhance character abilities, providing spells, stat boosts, or passive skills. With a wide array of Materia available, players have the freedom to customize their party for combat scenarios.

Green Materia grants characters new spells like Fire or Revival. Among these, Comet stands out as one of the most formidable options, essential for at least one party member. Acquiring this potent Materia occurs later in the game, adding a strategic edge to battles.

Locating the Comet Materia

To obtain the Comet Materia, venture to Nibel, the final region of the game. Nibel becomes accessible in Chapter 11, granting players access to Chadley in the Materia Development menu upon reaching Nibelheim. Chadley can be found in Nibelheim or the Chocobo Sage's Manor, with Nibelheim being the faster route. Acquire Comet by trading 40 Nibel Region Data Points with Chadley.

Each region offers unique Regional Data, like the Nibel Region Data exclusive to Nibel. Collect these Data Points by completing various tasks in the region, such as activating Remnawave Towers and scanning Lifestreams. While unlocking Comet requires effort, these activities also yield Party EXP and unlock new fast travel locations.

Comet’s Strength in Battle

Comet emerges as a top offensive Materia in the game, dealing substantial non-elemental damage through its upgraded form Cometeor. Despite its high MP cost and long casting time, it remains a versatile choice due to its neutral damage output. Ranking up Comet requires 3,000 AP and is best paired with AP UP and MP UP Materia. While its usage demands resources, the significant damage output justifies the investment.