Unleashing Leviathan: Mastering Eikonic Abilities in Final Fantasy 16

Discover the top Eikonic abilities of Leviathan in FF16 to empower Clive in battle.
Unleashing Leviathan: Mastering Eikonic Abilities in Final Fantasy 16


  • Unlock and utilize Leviathan's skills like Deluge and Abyssal Tear to boost Clive's combat prowess and dominate foes with water-based attacks.
  • Transform Clive into a water shotgun-wielding combatant with Serpent's Cry, expanding tactical options for ranged engagements.
  • Harness the devastating power of Master Tsunami, Leviathan's ultimate ability, to inflict massive damage, seize control of the battlefield, and charge up the limit break gauge.

Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide centers on Clive's journey to uncover the mysteries surrounding Leviathan The Lost. Early on in the expansion, players will acquire Leviathan, a new Eikon that introduces a range of fresh skills for combat encounters.

Leviathan specializes in long-range assaults, excelling at engaging swarms of lesser adversaries. Despite the abundance of Eikons available at this stage of the narrative, each with their own unique abilities, it is crucial to evaluate the potency of Leviathan's skills and their viability in battle.

5 Deluge

Unleash a Rapid-Fire Single-Target Assault

Deluge stands out as one of the initial abilities accessible upon acquiring Leviathan. This machine-gun-esque technique delivers moderate damage but excels in staggering foes. While enjoyable to employ, Deluge falls short compared to other Leviathan abilities that offer similar effects but with superior results. Its versatility lies in its targeting capability, effectively engaging airborne targets or transitioning between adversaries to distribute damage.

Deluge lacks the capacity to pierce through multiple enemies and affects only a single target unless redirected. Though its cooldown period enhances its utility, it fails to address its overall limitations compared to alternative skills. Notably, the final blast of this ability inflicts significantly higher damage, underscoring the importance of strategic targeting for maximum impact.

4 Abyssal Tear

Energize Your Next Move Mid-Combat

Abyssal Tear functions as a two-stage ability, initially charging up before release. Upon activation, a water orb materializes above Clive, steadily accumulating energy regardless of his actions. The swift initial cast enables players to engage in combat while the ability continues to amass power.

When triggered again, Abyssal Tear targets nearby foes, unleashing a torrent of water that stuns minor adversaries upon impact. While usable outside combat, the ability dissipates once half of the initial vent is filled. Despite locking Clive in an attack animation when unleashed, this ability proves effective, dealing substantial damage when charged to Vent 4.

3 Serpent's Cry

Shift to a Water Shotgun from a Sword

Serpent's Cry serves as Leviathan's Eikonic Feat, necessitating Eikon equipping to enable its use. Activation transforms Clive's left arm into a serpentine appendage, with his basic attack morphing into a shotgun-style water blast. This ability permits flexible usage, allowing players to adjust the duration of the attack as needed, effectively turning Clive into a proficient ranged combatant. Damage inflicted by this attack correlates with the number of water bursts hitting the target, with distance having no impact on damage, while larger foes sustain more significant harm per shot.

Featuring swift reload times and infinite ammo for brief periods, this ability shines when engaging hordes of minor foes. Striking small enemies with water bursts often launches them into the air, enabling players to juggle adversaries by landing successive shots. The ability to swiftly reload and continue firing can lead to victory in battles by consistently stunning enemies with this skill alone.

2 Tsunami

Unleash a Devastating Wave of Water Forward

Tsunami stands as Leviathan's ultimate ability, showcasing one of the visually striking Eikonic skills in the game. Distinguished by its extensive range compared to other ultimate abilities, Tsunami can strike widely dispersed enemy groups when precisely aimed. This potent skill not only inflicts substantial damage but also significantly boosts the limit break gauge.

While many of Leviathan's abilities focus on staggering adversaries, Tsunami prioritizes dealing immense damage. Additionally, this ability consolidates and repels foes, asserting control over the battlefield should any enemies survive the initial onslaught. Despite the substantial ability point investment required for mastery, Tsunami proves invaluable in battles throughout the expansion.

1 Cross Swell

Command the Battlefield by Converging Enemy Forces

Cross Swell may not boast exceptional statistics in the Abilities menu, yet its battlefield utility ranks among the finest in the game. Primarily designed to amalgamate scattered enemy groups, this ability enhances the efficacy of subsequent Eikonic abilities. Notably, the central burst of damage from this ability delivers significant harm.

Activating this ability typically draws all foes in front of Clive into a unified formation, priming them for devastating follow-up Eikon attacks. Particularly synergistic with Tsunami, as the aligned enemy line aligns with Tsunami's impact area, Cross Swell complements various area-of-effect Eikonic abilities, setting the stage for swift victories in spontaneous engagements. Moreover, its relatively short cooldown permits frequent utilization, even in brief skirmishes.