Final Fantasy 16 Guide: Finding Fool's Gold

Uncover the locations of Fool's Gold in FF16: The Rising Tide and craft a powerful weapon.
Final Fantasy 16 Guide: Finding Fool's Gold


  • Discover the two locations of Fool's Gold in The Rising Tide.
  • Learn how to acquire Fool's Gold from defeating enemies and looting chests.
  • Understand the significance of Fool's Gold in crafting the Tonberry Knife.

As Clive embarks on his journey in Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide, the option to craft powerful weapons with the Blacksmith remains a top choice for players seeking the best gear. In this installment, Clive gains access to two new weapons, including the Tidestrike and the iconic Tonberry Knife, known across the Final Fantasy series.

Unlike some rare items like Aquamarine that require completing side quests, Fool's Gold stands out as a more accessible material found in the new DLC area. This unique item plays a crucial role in crafting the Tonberry Knife, offering players a distinctive weapon option.

Locating Fool's Gold

In Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide, there are two Fool's Gold locations to explore. The first one is obtained by defeating the Master Tonberry mini-boss in the Aire Of Hours area, a part of the main storyline. This ensures players acquire one Fool's Gold without missing out on this essential material.

The second Fool's Gold can be found by looting a chest in Father's Fell. Starting from Haven and heading through The High Gate, players need to follow the main path northward, then eastward. By sticking to the left side in a larger clearing, a chest at the far end contains another Fool's Gold waiting to be claimed.

Utilizing Fool's Gold

In a playthrough of Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide, players encounter only two Fool's Gold pieces, both essential for crafting the Tonberry Knife. While this weapon may not match the sheer power of Omega Weapon or Tidestrike, its unique attribute lies in the Will damage it inflicts, surpassing other weapons in staggering opponents and setting them up for significant damage bursts.