Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16 DLC: Finding the Tonberry King and Notched Tang

Embark on a thrilling quest in Final Fantasy 16 to defeat the formidable Tonberry King and obtain the elusive Notched Tang item.
Ultimate Guide to Final Fantasy 16 DLC: Finding the Tonberry King and Notched Tang


  • Uncover the iconic Tonberry King's return in the Rising Tide DLC of Final Fantasy 16.
  • Navigate through challenges to start the Reign of Pain side quest and acquire the Notched Tang.
  • Master the strategies to locate and conquer the Tonberry King, securing valuable rewards in Final Fantasy 16.

Delve into the fantastical world of Final Fantasy and face one of its most feared creatures, the vengeful Tonberry. Despite their long history in the franchise, their absence in Final Fantasy 16 left fans puzzled, until the Rising Tide DLC reintroduced them. These enigmatic beings can be encountered across Mysidia, featuring prominently in the storyline and offering a dedicated questline. Your journey will reach its peak with a showdown against the Tonberry King in the Reign of Pain side quest, culminating in the acquisition of the coveted Notched Tang, a vital crafting material for top-tier gear in Final Fantasy 16.

Initiating the Reign of Pain Side Quest

To commence the Reign of Pain questline, players must first complete the What Ails You and Uninvited Guest quests. Subsequently, a visit to Haven to converse with Fanet will unveil the necessity of vanquishing the Tonberry King to lift Talor's curse. As the urgency escalates with news of Tonberry sightings at The Cloak, players must swiftly engage in combat against the gathering Tonberry horde beyond the gate.

Locating and Conquering the Tonberry King (Notched Tang Location)

Tracking down the Tonberry King leads adventurers to The Path of Corruption, situated east of the Conviction marker. While encountering lesser Tonberries on the route, riding Clive's Chocobo Ambrosia can aid in bypassing most encounters. The formidable Tonberry King poses a significant challenge but can be subdued by utilizing Leviathan's Serpent's Cry ability and strategic evasions. By maintaining constant movement, judicious ability usage, and focus during the battle, players can overcome the Tonberry King and its minions, securing victory.

Reign of Pain Rewards

Triumph over the Tonberry King to claim the Notched Tang, pivotal for crafting elite end-game equipment like the Tonberry Blade. Completing the quest and returning to the village not only grants valuable experience but also awards players with Orichalcum, a rare crafting material essential for forging premier weapons and armor in Final Fantasy 16.