Uncovering Aquamarine in Final Fantasy 16: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the elusive Aquamarine, a prized crafting material in FF16 The Rising Tide, and unveil the secrets of all eight locations.
Uncovering Aquamarine in Final Fantasy 16: A Comprehensive Guide


  • Embark on a thrilling quest to obtain Aquamarine in the mystical land of Mysidia.
  • Learn the distinctive clues that signal the presence of Aquamarine nearby.
  • Master the locations of all eight Aquamarine deposits to enhance your gameplay experience.

Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide introduces a captivating new realm for adventurers to delve into, complete with its unique inhabitants, powerful Eikons, and intricate lore within the Final Fantasy 16 universe. While the focal point of this DLC lies in the gripping Eikon battles and narrative, it also offers a plethora of diverse weapons and accessories for players to uncover and create.

Among these newfound accessories are the Serpent Rings, designed to amplify the various Ekonic Abilities associated with Leviathan. There are four distinct Serpent Rings, each necessitating the use of Aquamarine, a rare crafting component exclusive to the enchanting landscapes of Mysidia.

The Hunt for Aquamarine

Aquamarine exclusively thrives in the uncharted territories of Mysidia, requiring players to acquire the elusive Adder Stone to unveil its presence. Once in possession of the Adder Stone, Aquamarine will manifest throughout the region, accompanied by distinct auditory cues such as a gentle water droplet sound when in proximity, coupled with tactile feedback through controller vibrations and green undulating waves emanating from the ground around it.

Locating the First Aquamarine

Departing from The Low Gate of Haven, veer left along the pathway and scan the right periphery for the precious gem.

Discovering the Second Aquamarine

Utilize fast travel to reach The Lost Cloak Obelisk near the onset of Mysidia. Follow the northern route and survey the right side of the path before arriving at Conviction.

Unveiling the Third Aquamarine

Exit through The High Gate of Haven and direct your gaze towards the cluster of monsters ahead on the right-hand side. The Aquamarine awaits just before the looming rock formation preceding the monsters.

Pinpointing the Fourth Aquamarine

Journeying from The High Gate of Haven or the prior Aquamarine site, head north traversing The Winged Wains and subsequently east through Father's Fell, opting for the western trail. Nestled to the left of this path lies a Quindim, with the Aquamarine discreetly positioned behind it.

Securing the Fifth Aquamarine

Commencing from the Maiden's March Obelisk, navigate through the ruins and take the second leftward path at the junction preceding The Gallery. The Aquamarine is ensconced within the Quindim, obtainable upon vanquishing the creature.

Locating the Sixth Aquamarine

Embark from the Maiden's March Obelisk or the previous Aquamarine locale, progressing northward beyond Maiden's March. A cluster of spiders to the left of the path guards the Aquamarine, concealed behind their arachnid ranks.

Claiming the Seventh Aquamarine

Initiate your search from the Tailwind Bay Obelisk, veering left towards the Lesser Archelon. The Aquamarine is firmly affixed to the creature's carapace, obtainable post defeating the formidable beast.

Discovering the Eighth Aquamarine

Set forth from the Riversmeet Obelisk and proceed northwards to The Sunken Ruins. Nestled amidst the debris near the entrance lies the coveted Aquamarine, awaiting a keen-eyed explorer.