Controversy Erupts Among Final Fantasy 14 Fans Over Dawntrail's Character Graphics

Concerns and Criticisms Arise Among Players Regarding the Dawntrail Benchmark and Character Visuals in the Expansion
Controversy Erupts Among Final Fantasy 14 Fans Over Dawntrail's Character Graphics


  • The Dawntrail graphical update in Final Fantasy 14 has left fans divided, especially concerning alterations to character appearances.
  • Social media platforms are flooded with player complaints ranging from lighting discrepancies to texture modifications on races like Viera and Miqo'te.
  • Despite the backlash, players have the opportunity to provide feedback before the official launch in June and are assured a free Fantasia for character customization.

Final Fantasy 14 is undergoing a significant graphical transformation through Dawntrail, but not all enthusiasts are thrilled with the changes unveiled. This visual revamp aims to enhance character aesthetics and details, a long-awaited update given the game's decade-long existence.

The recent introduction of the Dawntrail benchmark test allows players to experience the game world with the updated graphics, including a fresh look at their Warrior of Light. However, reactions to the new appearance of players' avatars have sparked concerns about the game's visual direction.

At the Final Fantasy 14 Fan Festival, developers showcased a comparative preview of the upcoming graphical enhancements for playable characters. While many fans were impressed by the glimpse provided in the Dawntrail benchmark, some expressed dissatisfaction with the altered appearance of their Warrior of Light.

Contention Arises Over Dawntrail Character Alterations

Discontent has surfaced on social media platforms as players discuss the changes, particularly focusing on lighting issues, dental features of characters, and the revamped appearances of Miqo'te and Viera races. Criticisms vary from texture discrepancies, with Viera users deeming the new nose shading as unappealing, to concerns from female Lalafell players regarding vanishing facial marks.

Viera enthusiasts are particularly dismayed by their characters' glowing ears under specific circumstances and perceived modifications in facial attributes. While the community anticipated enhanced depth and subtle facial adjustments from Dawntrail, some have noted pronounced alterations in features like lips and noses, much to their chagrin.

Despite the discontent among certain players, there are silver linings. Fans have a window to communicate their grievances to developers before Dawntrail officially launches in June, with the added assurance of receiving a complimentary Fantasia to customize their characters post-update. Hopefully, ongoing refinements will address concerns and ultimately satisfy the player base.