Unleashing the Power of Ultima: Top Eikon Abilities in Final Fantasy 16

Discover the incredible Eikonic abilities of Ultima, the ultimate Eikon in FF16: The Rising Tide.
Unleashing the Power of Ultima: Top Eikon Abilities in Final Fantasy 16


  • Ultima's abilities are unmatched, but come at a high AP cost.
  • Most of Ultima's skills have short cooldowns and deal significant damage.
  • Ascension stands out as a must-have Eikon Feat for all players.

Embark on a journey through Final Fantasy 16 where Clive harnesses a variety of Eikons, each with unique abilities and strengths in combat. In The Rising Tide expansion, Clive gains access to the formidable Ultima, the ultimate Eikon with unparalleled powers. While investing in Ultima's abilities demands a substantial amount of AP, the rewards are undoubtedly worth it. With a selection of five potent Eikonic Abilities to choose from, it's crucial for players to discern the most effective ones to optimize their combat strategy.

5 Dominion

Conjuring Pillars to Impale Foes

Dominion unleashes devastating damage on a cluster of enemies. However, its effectiveness is situation-dependent due to its segmented attack range, leaving agile foes an opportunity to evade. Ideal for large groups, this ability pairs well with crowd control skills for maximum impact.

4 Proselytize

Unleashing a Torrent of Aether

Proselytize offers a straightforward yet potent attack, excelling in targeting multiple foes with its broad energy beam. This ability synergizes well with crowd control moves, providing Clive with a versatile ranged assault and a chance to immobilize smaller enemies for follow-up attacks.

3 Ascension

Empowering Clive's Offense with Flight

Ascension transforms Clive into a formidable aerial combatant, enhancing his reach and damage output. This feat allows for seamless integration of energy barrages with other abilities, elevating Clive's combat prowess. While restricted to two equipped Eikon abilities, Ascension propels an already potent build to greater heights.

2 Ultimate Demise

Unleashing a Destructive Aether Explosion

Ultimate Demise epitomizes devastation with its expansive aether explosion, obliterating foes within its wide radius. While boasting a longer cooldown, this ability sets the stage for strategic follow-up attacks. Its balanced damage and stagger properties make it a formidable tool for toppling resilient adversaries.

1 Voice of God

Commanding a Devastating Energy Beam

Voice of God envelops Clive in an impregnable energy beam, enabling strategic mobility to target and immobilize adversaries. This ability emphasizes raw damage output with swift cooldowns, ideal for swiftly dispatching weaker foes. While lacking stagger effects, its relentless assault ensures few foes escape unscathed.