Mastering Power Shots in FC 24

Learn how to effectively execute Power Shots in FC 24 to enhance your gameplay, especially when you find yourself outside the penalty box.
Mastering Power Shots in FC 24


  • Execute a Power Shot by holding specific triggers and pressing the shot button for maximum impact.
  • Precisely aim your Power Shots by aligning your player with the goal and adjusting the joystick for accuracy.
  • Utilize strategic tips like canceling into a Power Shot and surprising defenders to score effectively with this technique.

In EA Sports FC 24, mastering the art of Power Shots can significantly boost your performance on the field. A Power Shot involves setting up for a powerful strike towards the goal, creating a thrilling moment with a unique camera zoom effect. Here's a comprehensive guide on perfecting your Power Shots in FC 24.

Perfecting Power Shots in EA Sports FC 24

To execute a Power Shot effectively, you need to simultaneously hold the right and left triggers while pressing the shot button. On PlayStation, this involves R1 + L1 + Circle, and on Xbox, it is LB + RB + B. The longer you hold the shot button, the more power you'll put into your strike.

It's important to note that Power Shots in FC 24 have slower animations, which can lead to frame drops. Be cautious as your player will slow down momentarily, potentially giving your opponent an opening to intercept the ball.

Precision in Aiming Power Shots

Accuracy is key when aiming Power Shots. Ensure your player is aligned with the goal's center or the penalty box before taking the shot. Just before striking the ball, make slight adjustments with the joystick to aim for your desired corner.

Aiming a Power Shot involves two crucial steps:

  • Taming. As you initiate the shot, you must control the power manually since assisted aiming is disabled for Power Shots. After pressing L1 + R1 + Circle, quickly adjust the aiming line towards the goal's center.
  • Targeting. Once you've set the power, it's time to target. Add a gentle curl to the shot just before impact to guide it towards the corners of the goal.

Strategies for Successful Power Shot Goals

While Power Shots come with risks, they can be a game-changer for scoring in FC 24. Consider these tactics for maximizing your Power Shot effectiveness:

  • Cancel into a Power Shot. Trick defenders by initiating a shot and quickly following up with X (A on Xbox) to fake them out. This creates an opening for your Power Shot execution.
  • Surprise defensive opponents. Exploit open spaces behind defensive lines near the penalty box with unexpected Power Shots to catch opponents off guard.
  • Aim for the center. To increase accuracy, aim for the penalty box's center and add a slight curve at the last moment to outwit the goalkeeper.
  • Use Power Shots strategically. Capitalize on the momentary hesitation before a Power Shot to bait defenders into fouls, potentially leading to more penalty opportunities.