Why Far Cry 7 Needs to Honor Vaas's Legacy with a New Antagonist

Exploring the importance of intense boss battles and compelling villains in the Far Cry franchise.
Why Far Cry 7 Needs to Honor Vaas's Legacy with a New Antagonist


  • Introducing intense boss battles akin to the iconic Vaas showdown can enhance Far Cry 7's gameplay experience.
  • Recent Far Cry villains have lacked impactful direct confrontations, relying more on secondary characters for conflict.
  • Far Cry 7 has the potential to revitalize the series with innovative gameplay elements and captivating antagonists.

Ubisoft's Far Cry series has undergone a remarkable evolution over its two-decade history in the gaming realm. From its early days as an open-world FPS prototype to becoming a prominent and successful franchise, Far Cry has left a lasting mark. However, after numerous main installments and expansions, the series has shown signs of fatigue, with its once-innovative open-world formula now feeling stale and uninspired compared to its predecessors.

Far Cry 3, often hailed as a standout title, is remembered for various reasons, notably its antagonist Vaas Montenegro. One distinguishing feature of Vaas was the traditional boss battle with the protagonist, a rare occurrence in the series. While other Far Cry games featured antagonist confrontations, they often lacked the intensity and personal engagement seen in Vaas' storyline. Bringing back this element in Far Cry 7 could inject new life into the franchise.

The Necessity of Intense Boss Battles in Far Cry 7

Evolving Villains Post-Vaas in Far Cry

Following the success of Vaas in Far Cry 3, subsequent installments attempted to replicate his charismatic presence. However, later villains relied more on their minions and lacked direct engagement with the player character. In Far Cry 5, for instance, confrontations with the cult leaders lacked the personal touch and intensity of the Jason vs. Vaas showdown.

Embracing the Vaas Legacy in Far Cry 7

While details about Far Cry 7 remain scarce, the villain is expected to shape the game's narrative and gameplay. In Far Cry 6, the primary antagonist remained distant, impacting the player's connection with the storyline. However, rumors suggest Far Cry 7 might introduce innovative gameplay mechanics, potentially revitalizing the series. By incorporating elements like time limits and revisiting past game features, Far Cry 7 aims to deliver fresh experiences and compelling villains reminiscent of Vaas.