Reviving Far Cry: Rediscovering the Franchise's Roots

Exploring the potential of remasters and remakes to breathe new life into the iconic Far Cry series.
Reviving Far Cry: Rediscovering the Franchise's Roots


  • Far Cry 7's development offers an opportunity to revisit the series' iconic early days.
  • The franchise's early games were groundbreaking, but it has since become mired in repetition.
  • Remastering the franchise's most iconic titles could offer a fresh perspective and revitalize the upcoming Far Cry 7.

As Ubisoft gears up for the development of Far Cry 7 and a potential spin-off, the unstoppable Far Cry series has firmly established itself as a staple in the Ubisoft lineup, akin to the Assassin's Creed series. While the anticipation for new adventures is palpable, it might be time for the franchise to pause and reflect on its roots.

Over the past two decades, the Far Cry series has seen numerous game releases, yet it has not explored the possibility of remasters or remakes. Rather than revisiting its most iconic games, the franchise has relentlessly pushed forward with new releases. After seven mainline entries, the series is in dire need of a fresh approach. Instead of simply introducing players to new locations, Ubisoft could benefit from taking a moment to rekindle the charm of a classic.

Reviving Far Cry: The Case for Remakes and Remasters

The Iconic Early Days of Far Cry

In light of the recent Far Cry releases, there is a newfound significance in revisiting the earlier games. Far Cry 5, New Dawn, and Far Cry 6 have faced criticism for their similarities, portraying a franchise that appears stagnant and past its prime. Although details about Far Cry 7 remain undisclosed, there is a strong likelihood of it following the same pattern. Consequently, it may be time for Ubisoft to remind audiences of the series' enduring popularity.

The initial days of the Far Cry franchise offered some of the most exceptional open-world experiences to date. The 2004 debut instantly captured fans' hearts, providing unparalleled freedom, captivating visuals, and a compelling narrative. The success of the first game set the stage for the franchise's growth.

Far Cry 2 expanded on its predecessor's strong foundations, delivering even more thrilling gameplay despite some narrative criticism. In 2012, Ubisoft astounded audiences with the remarkable Far Cry 3, elevating the concept to new heights and presenting a story considered among the best in gaming. However, the franchise has since plateaued.

Revitalizing Far Cry: The Potential of Remasters Post Far Cry 6

The initial three Far Cry titles offered exciting and fresh experiences, witnessing the series evolve and adapt over the years. However, since Far Cry 3, the franchise has lacked the same level of innovation. Instead, it feels like Ubisoft has attempted to replicate the same framework in new settings, resulting in increasingly mixed reviews with each release. Rather than persisting in this trajectory, affording the studio breathing space during the development of the next installment may be more prudent.

Prior to delving into Far Cry 7, the series ought to explore its early trilogy. Remasters and remakes typically require less time than developing an entirely new game, presenting an ideal opportunity to bridge the gap. Releasing remasters of the franchise's most iconic titles would allow both new and existing players to relive these experiences, while the studio endeavors to revitalize Far Cry with the seventh installment. Although no remaster announcements or rumors have surfaced, it seems like the opportune moment for one.