Far Cry 7's Alleged Dark Secret Ending

Speculations about Far Cry 7's potential secret ending hint at a chilling twist in the narrative, deviating from the series' traditional gameplay.
Far Cry 7's Alleged Dark Secret Ending


  • Far Cry series is known for unconventional secret endings that involve unexpected player actions and choices.
  • Past Far Cry games have featured secret endings where players had to make morally ambiguous decisions, hinting at a trend for Far Cry 7.
  • The rumored secret ending for Far Cry 7 may introduce a narrative where betraying the protagonist's family to cultists leads to a chilling and unexpected outcome.

Ubisoft's Far Cry franchise has gained notoriety for its unconventional approach to secret endings, often rewarding players for deviating from the typical action-packed gameplay. These hidden conclusions range from the mundane to the darkly humorous, allowing players to wrap up the game swiftly by opting for non-violent solutions. However, if the whispers surrounding the plot of Far Cry 7 hold true, players may be in for the most sinister finale in the series yet.

Although Ubisoft has not officially confirmed the existence of Far Cry 7, leaks and speculations point towards a familiar narrative trajectory for the franchise. Just as Far Cry 5 delved into the world of fanatical cults under Joseph Seed, it seems that cultist groups will once again take center stage in the seventh installment. According to rumors, Far Cry 7 might present players with a moral dilemma where they must choose between saving their family from a cult or siding with the enemy for a shot at the game's secret ending.

Drawing Inspiration from the Past for Far Cry 7's Secret Ending

If Far Cry 7 follows through with this dark narrative twist, it would be in line with the series' history of offering morally complex secret endings. These alternative conclusions often require players to eschew traditional gameplay mechanics and make unorthodox choices. A prime example of this can be seen in Far Cry 4, where achieving the secret ending simply involved waiting at the beginning of the game for the antagonist, Pagan Min, to return with the player's mother's ashes.

While some Far Cry games allowed players to reach secret endings relatively quickly, others demanded more substantial player input before unlocking the hidden conclusion. For instance, Far Cry 6 only revealed its alternate ending after a few hours of gameplay, presenting players with the option to abandon their revolutionary cause and escape to Miami instead.

Unraveling Far Cry 7's Potential Darkest Secret Ending

The speculated secret ending for Far Cry 7 could push the boundaries even further, potentially delivering the series' most chilling finale yet. Depending on when players are presented with the choice to fast-track to the game's conclusion, the narrative could unfold in various unsettling ways. If the rumors about Far Cry 7's story hold true, players might find themselves making a gut-wrenching decision early on in the game, sacrificing their family to the cultists and evading the conventional rescue mission entirely.

In contrast to many other games in the franchise, where secret endings were only accessible towards the end, Far Cry 7 could introduce a twist where players must betray their loved ones much earlier in the gameplay. Following a narrative structure akin to Far Cry 3, where players had to make a critical decision at the end, Far Cry 7 might force players into a morally ambiguous choice that culminates in a harrowing conclusion.

While Far Cry games are not known for their happy endings, the potential secret ending in Far Cry 7 promises to be the darkest and most unexpected yet. Whether or not the cult-centric storyline rumors hold true, players can anticipate a deviation from the traditional Far Cry formula, offering them a unique and chilling gaming experience.