Gamer Uses Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode to Recreate Far Cry 2 Environment

An innovative gamer showcases a potential Far Cry 2 remake using Ubisoft's Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode.
Gamer Uses Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode to Recreate Far Cry 2 Environment


  • Far Cry 5's Arcade Mode enables players to replicate environments from other games, such as Far Cry 2, utilizing a comprehensive map editor.
  • Mojo Swoptops, a player, shares a screenshot and video of their Far Cry 2-inspired environment, garnering positive feedback from nostalgic fans.
  • Mojo Swoptops has previously reconstructed popular multiplayer maps and game environments using the Far Cry 5 map editor, sparking hope for a map editor in future Far Cry releases.

A player of Far Cry 5 has recreated an environment inspired by Far Cry 2 through the game’s Arcade Mode. The Far Cry series has a long history of map editors, providing players with a sandbox to experiment in. However, the map editor in Far Cry 5, released in 2018, underwent a significant upgrade, granting players access to assets from various Ubisoft franchises, including earlier Far Cry titles, Assassin’s Creed, and Watch Dogs. In Arcade Mode, players have full control over numerous features, encompassing audio and terrain, and the ability to share their creations with friends.

Given the extensive capabilities of this tool, players have utilized Arcade Mode to replicate maps and environments from their beloved titles. It was only a matter of time before Far Cry 2 received similar treatment. Fans yearn for a Far Cry 2 remake due to its challenging and realistic survival mechanics. In the absence of any indication from Ubisoft regarding a remake, certain fans have taken matters into their own hands.

Under the pseudonym Mojo Swoptops, a YouTuber shared a screenshot of a Far Cry 2-inspired environment created using Far Cry 5's Arcade Mode. The screenshot depicts an encampment surrounded by rocky cliffs with distant houses. Additionally, a video, accompanied by a track from the Far Cry 2 soundtrack, was posted on YouTube, offering a closer look at the cave above the encampment, where the player character stealthily eliminates enemies before engaging in a gunfight using various Far Cry weapons to clear the enemy base.

A Glimpse into the Future of Far Cry 2

According to Mojo Swoptops, this was created as a conceptual mockup to illustrate how a potential next-generation version of Far Cry 2 could appear. The post received a positive reception on Reddit, evoking nostalgia for Far Cry 2 among users. Some reminisced about a now-unused Far Cry trope, where the player had to take a malaria pill periodically, while others lauded the enemy AI and sandbox elements.

This Far Cry 2 recreation is not the first instance of Mojo Swoptops utilizing the Arcade Editor in Far Cry 5 to recreate environments from popular games. Previously, they also reimagined Shipment, a widely acclaimed Call of Duty multiplayer map, and Goodsprings from Fallout: New Vegas. While Far Cry 7 remains shrouded in rumors, many fans are anticipating the incorporation of a map editor in the upcoming title, given its absence in Far Cry 6.